Chapter 31: Please Help Me

Start from the beginning

"Hi munchkin" Garcia said giving her a hug after she walked out of the elevator. "How was school?"

"Fine" Bella said. "Why did I come with Hilary today?" She asked.

"They went on a case" Garcia said a bit scared of the girl's reaction.

"And no one told me?" Bella asked as her eyes filled with tears.

"We didn't want you to be scared at school, honey" Garcia said and wrapped Bella in a hug again as she saw the girl was about to cry. "I'm sorry" Penelope said.

"Where did they go?" Bella asked pushing her tears away.

"Montana" Garcia said letting go of the hug.

"Is it dangerous?" Bella asked.

"They'll be alright, bunny. Don't worry" Penelope said wiping Bella's tears. "Come on. Come to the conference room with me" she said and they walked there.

They stayed at the office till 10:30. Bella was getting really tired and Penelope didn't want the girl to sleep in there so she took Bella to her house. Bella felt weird going back there after such a long time but she always loved Penelope's apartment. She had a hard time falling asleep but exhaustion took over and she fell asleep.


The next day, Garcia dropped Bella off at school and headed to work. Bella had agreed to go to choir that day so Penelope told her to go to Hilary's house after school. The day went on fine, Bella was nervous to go to choir but it went fine.
At Hilary's house she tried to distract herself. She knew that if she started thinking too much she would freak out. So she did her homework, played games, played piano, played with the dog, helped Hilary cook dinner, she did a bunch of things and she felt like it helped.
Penelope went to pick her up at 9 and they headed to Garcia's house. Derek had been texting Bella all day but at night he called to make sure she was okay. The girl was happy to hear his voice.

"When will you come back?" She asked him.

"In a day or two I think" he said.

"Okay" Bella said relieved. She felt okay with Garcia but she only truly felt safe with him.

"I'll see you soon, princess" he said.

"I love you" Bella said.

"I love you too. Bye" Derek said and hung up.

"How about a shower now?" Garcia said.

Bella showered and then Penelope changed the girl's bandage which went way better than both had expected.


On Saturday, Bella was not very happy to go to the office but that changed when Derek go back around 11am. JJ suggested going to the movie theater with the kids and even Hotch agreed on it. So everyone, but Rossi, went to watch Kung fu panda 3. Everyone had a great time. Bella was a bit nervous in the beginning but as the movie went on she relaxed and had a great time too. Once it was over everyone headed home. Since Bella seemed to be in such a great mood Derek decided to stop at Emily's apartment again. He knew that sooner or later she would have to go in.

"What are we doing here?" Bella asked as he parked in front of the building.

"We need to get somethings so we can finish your room" Morgan told her and she stayed quiet. "Come on we won't be long" he said and got out of the car. Penelope got out too but Bella didn't even unbuckle. Derek opened her door and said "come on, I promise it won't be long"

"No" Bella said as her eyes filled with tears.

"Baby girl, it's okay" Derek said.

She shook her head no and said "I'm not going" as a few tears fell.

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