|Cristiano Ronaldo|

791 25 57

Strange Behavior

Work was tough, especially knowing that your boyfriend that you didn't see too often was awaiting your arrival at home while you had to edit and type in your laptop all day, completely distracted by what was at home. And after spending all weekend with Cristiano, it was almost depressing going back on a Monday, knowing you'd have to think about him all day and once you got home, you were both tired and didn't want to talk.

When Monday hit, it hits (Y/N) hard. But you understood that his job was just, If not more difficult than yours. Training could be long and drawn out, and it most definitely took a toll on his body.

So when (Y/N) opened the door to her home and the diffusing aroma of stir fry was luring her to the kitchen

She knew something was up

"Babe? Is that you?" She questioned Sticking her head around the corner and questioning him

"Well, I knew it was Monday, and I knew you didn't want to cook, so I just figured this was the best option, I also know you don't like to eat out all the time you know?" He said, as (Y/N) shook her head, giving him a soft smile

"Oh, well, thank you, you didn't have to but that was so sweet." She said, resting her head on his back while he cooked, she gave him a quick peck as she went up stairs to take a shower and settle in for the night.

They ended up have a great dinner, and he even asked her all about her day, without once interrupting her angry rambling about her boss.

"Wow, I wish your day was a bit better, hopefully it will be tomorrow, just know if I was there I'd kiss your boss's ass for you babe" Cristiano said, taking off his shirt as you settled into bed, closing your eyes

"I appreciate that, thank you" she giggled as he jumped into bed next to (Y/N), wrapping his arms around her waist as she rested her head in his chest

"Goodnight love" he said, but by the time he said that, (Y/N) was fast asleep.

The next morning, (Y/N) got out of bed, getting ready for work as Cristiano knocked on the bathroom door

"I made you breakfast downstairs, when your ready you can come and grab it" he said through the bathroom door, (Y/N) smiled, even though he couldn't see her

"Did you really? I don't think I've actually had a proper breakfast since like college, thank you,  again, you are just so sweet" she stated, walking out of he bathroom to give him a hug as she went downstairs to go eat her delicious breakfast

She didn't see Cristiano for the rest of the day, even when she came home but he did leave her a note

Sorry I couldn't be here tonight love, the team invited me out for dinner, and I really couldn't miss it this time but you know I would, love Cris XOXOXOXO

She smiled and saved the note, putting the note on her bedside table as she ordered food with money Cristiano left her to order out to her favorite restaurant. She rarely ate there because she always complained it was too expensive but since Cristiano left her the money, she ordered there and was quite happy that he did since the food was absolutely delicious.

The next day was Wednesday and since it was the middle o the week, (Y/N) started to get a bit run down. The work load on her desk started to get progressively worse at she stared at the pile of paper stacked high, it seemed like it was gonna take her forever to get through, even if she had filled out he same papers what seemed like a million times.

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