|Lionel Messi|

455 17 14

Bad dreams

(Y/N) sat up in bed quickly, her heart was pounding against the thick bones in her chest as her shirt fluttered from this motion.

Her breathing started to slow down as she became aware of her surroundings in the dark setting of her bedroom.

It was almost like clockwork, every night, at exactly 3:08 AM, (Y/N) would wake up from a nightmare

And not just any old nightmare, they were scarily vivid, blood filled, gory, eerie, symbolic messages that sent chills up her spine and goosebumps throughout her entire body.

After she calmed down, she slipped out of bed, carefully swinging her feet to the cold hardwood surface that cooled her skin from her high blood pressure.

If anyone suffered from this phase more than anything, it actually wouldn't be (Y/N), it'd be her long term boyfriend, Lionel.

The two had lived separately for most of their relationship. But, after various situations of (Y/N) falling asleep on Lionel's lap on multiple occasions, Lionel figured that she was lacking sleep, either that or his conversations were definitely a snooze fest. But luckily, it was the first option.

So one night, Leo offered to sleep over, after (Y/N) refused multiple times, Leo used his spare key to the house, and slept on the floor anyway with out her knowledge, except a kiss on the cheek when he entered. He was sleeping on the floor peacefully, making sure she got enough sleep until he was disturbed with a loud shrieking noise, coming from none other than (Y/N)

Since then, they had moved in together, hoping that having another presence in (Y/N)'s lonely bed, would help ease her mind, helping her not to have nightmares

but it didn't

And now, 3 months later, (Y/N) is still downstairs, brewing tea, at 3:15 AM, in her pink robe and messy bed head, worried that Lionel would be tired the next day for practice.

She got up swiftly, tea in hand, and headed to the bookshelf, her long robs dragged across the carpet as she grabbed her dream book, setting it down on the table. She grabbed the book. Opening it swiftly, while she searched for any prominent symbols from the dream

Most people thought the whole idea of the book was complete bull shit. But she didn't think so. If anything, she didn't believe in the ones online in fact. Because, this book that she held was special. It had been passed on for years in her family and she held it very near and dear to her. As she flipped through the pages, she heard footsteps down the stairs

"Babe?" A groggy voice spoke, causing her heart to flutter from the sudden scare, she didn't respond slightly ashamed that she had woken him up so early in the morning, she couldn't help but feel bad.

"You up again?" He asked again, as she nodded in the dark, he pulled her off the chair and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a purposely tight squeeze for her to let out a giggle

He then let her sit down in the chair again as he sat across from her, resting his head on the table as he grabbed her hand

"What's going on now, what are you dreaming about"

She frowned, and gave a slight shrug "You know I never answer that question usually" she spoke, her voice was a bit crackly

"I know you don't, I just hope one day you will" he expressed as they both looked at each other, his eyes shined, even in complete darkness

"What are you scared of" he asked her as she sighed

"Clowns, dogs, high tide, moldy cheese-" she said, listing the things on her fingers as he laughed

"No silly, like long term, what's your biggest fear"

That was the question she literally feared the most. She avoided it when paparazzi asked, when family asked, when friends asked as well. And now, she's afraid of her own boyfriend asking it.

"Loosing you" she said, in almost a whisper, causing him to chuckle a bit at such a ridiculous idea, but she got up, a little frustrated at his response

"I knew you'd laugh. You wouldn't understand of course. You think that's it's funny that I would think that. And of course your response would be "I would never loose you" but it could happen. One day you could just stop loving me. Or maybe you have and didn't tell me. Or possibly, you could've cheated or something and haven't brought it up yet or I haven't found out. But it is my fear, it is what I'm afraid of, I love you" she said, looking out the window as he hugged her waist from behind her

"If I didn't love you, would I be staying up with you right now?" He asked as she shook her head

"No- I guess not, I haven't thought about it" she said

"See, I still love you, and I'll make sure I'll take care of you, for no matter how long this happens okay? I love you bub" he said, giving her a slight smile, and something miraculous happened after that day

She never had one nightmare ever again

Hope you enjoyed! I have 4 Imagines I'm writing, hopefully the Sergio and Oscar one in writing now will be published tonight actually. And then I have another Sergio one and Gerard one I have to complete after that. Please follow my loves: Kara_Lewandowska , BeyHiveForLife , and laura4ramos and please check out my new book "the office" please!

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