|Robert Lewandowski|

593 16 68

Oblivious Chances

Robert stood awkwardly in the home of (Y/N) and Oscar as he eavesdropped into their conversation through the walls.

It seemed that whenever Robert was over, or practically if anyone was over, Oscar would always try to stir up a fight with (Y/N) over his pure jealousy that emitted from his personality, and Robert was sick and tired of it.

Everyday, on end, he would listen to (Y/N) pour her heart out into late night conversations with Robert, listening to her ranting about her boyfriend.

She truly did love Oscar, and Oscar sincerely did love her in a way, but they would always bicker like an old couple, and it was never, ever in a good way.

Oscar would constantly be jealous of any and all interactions with Humans that (Y/N) would participate in. He would be jealous of Robert, her friends, her phone, and even at the dog sometimes

So you could imagine how 'well' their relationship was going

Robert had been head over heels in love with (Y/N) ever since they were kids. They were best friends and grew up with each other since birth, frankly. They went to the same school, had bunches of classes with each other, and promised that even when they were older, that they would never leave each other.

Unfortunately, that was far from the truth

Once people had discovered Robert's sports talents, it was all downhill from there for (Y/N). Before she knew it, millions of people were screaming his name from the stands, and their relationship became more distant. The time differences and jet lag got in the way of their skyping and texting, so they called it quits witching the first year of Robert's popularity.

But even with the fans and the fame, and despite all the girls wearing his jersey, Robert couldn't get over the fact that his dream girl was only as few thousands of miles away. And even though it was such a long distance, Robert was willing to do whatever it took to reclaim his love for (Y/N)

But he was so wrong

When he had returned home to his beloved, childhood sweetheart, (Y/N), the last thing that he expected to see was Oscar Dos Santos Emboaba's arms would be wrapped around Robert's future girlfriend's waist.

Ever since then, Oscar had a severe problem with both (Y/N) and Robert.

Robert often blamed himself for the situation he put (Y/N) in, but at the same time, he doesn't really care.

Robert knew he could treat (Y/N) so much better, and after all the Chelsea games that he's been to with (Y/N), never has Oscar even once, dedicated a goal to her, But Robert however, has dedicated several go her, which has stirred up some controversy multiple times, causing (Y/N) to be in tears over Oscar, but it was all going to end soon.

Robert was going to confess his feelings

Though he knew it was a shit idea, he was going to do it anyways. He waited what seemed like millions of decades to do this,  because it was a horrible idea to confess your love to a girl who was taken. But he only saw her once in a great while and he wanted to make sure every second counted

But to be fair, she didn't like her boyfriend so, it was going to be a win or loose situation.

Robert leaned against the wall of the couple's home as Oscar stormed out of the garage, shutting the door in (Y/N)'s face as he screamed

"I didn't need you anyway! I just wanted to do nothing but protect you!" He shouted as Robert rolled his eyes at the fictitious statement

(Y/N) bursted from the door, hot on Oscar's trail as he started leaving. She yanked his shirt and slapped him

"Screw you Oscar! I never want to see you ever again!" She said, giving him a forceful push towards the front door, out of the house, she slammed the door behind him and slid down it, as tears fell down in sync with her whimpers

"I pay for this god damn house anyway!" She said, crossing her arms as Robert slowly approached his crying best friend.

He pushed a stray hair out of her face that was stuck to her cheeks from the tears. He slowly pulled her from the wall and she laid limply in his strong arms. He stroked the back of her hair as he rested his chin on her hair as cried.

"I thought he loved me! I thought he cared, I swear the only person who cares is you Robert" Her heard her mumble into his shirt as he felt her warm breath against his stomach and plaid shirt

"I do, I do really care liebe, just relax" he stated as he now cuddled her harder

"(Y/N), I really do care, seriously, and I know this may not be the time-"

Oh trust me Robert, this really isn't a good time he thought as he held her closer

"Uh, (Y/N)?" He said, causing her to lift her head up as he stared into her bloodshot stained and mascara drilling eyes

"I- uh, I kind of, well I do! I-" he stuttered and swallowed the lump in his throat

"I love you" he mumbled as she cracked a small smile

"And guess what?" She stated, rubbing her thumb over Robert's right hand

"I love you too" Within seconds, their lips were connecting sweetly as Robert tasted the salt from her tears on her lips but he didn't care, nothing mattered in that moment. He tangled his hands in her hair as she grabbed the back of his shirt

"I just love you too" Robert said again, as she cuddled into his chest

I hope you enjoyed! I'm gonna write the other Antoine one and then A Lionel one, but this was requested by Kara_Lawrence who is super awesome and has amazing freakin stories along with BeyHiveForLife who slays too so go check em out!

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