How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

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My husband and I are owners of Holistic Lifestyle Changes, I'm a certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP

Ok let me begin by saying that you can either accept being overweight or you can get to work and do something about it.  If you decide on the latter, you're going to learn how you can begin to lose weight in two weeks. It's going to be pretty tough to get to your ideal weight inside of two weeks, unless you just need to shed a few pounds. So you may find it easy to view these first two weeks as the beginning of your journey toward a healthy lifestyle and a slimmer body. Losing weight is hard, but it doesn't have to be.  If you want to find out how to lose between 5 to 8 pounds in two weeks checkout the next chapters.  

First of all, get used to the fact that there is no magic pill, you can take to start losing weight in two weeks, unless you are planning some liposuction. It's pretty unlikely that you will be able to lose 10 to 20 pounds in two weeks. There isn't a magic potion or diet that's going to help you get gains like that in a short space of time.  But if you are prepared to change what and how you eat, along with moderate exercising you can lose 6 or more pounds that can be used as a down payment towards a healthy lifestyle.  

Some people don't like counting calories but it will help you to eat smaller portions. Many people eat until they assume that they are full, which most of the time is just excessive, becoming over full sometime to the point of making themselves sick. What this means is that with this weight loss process you have to eat less calories than your body burns in a day.

You should lose about 2 to 4 pounds a per week that doesn't sound like much for a two week period; it can be the starting point to your weight lost journey. You can eat most of the food you're eating now like chicken, eggs, fish, lean steak and shrimp.  

If you use the principles I've outlined in this book, and continue on a low calorie diet there is no reason why you can't get down to your targeted weight. You just need to stay motivated, stay focus and on track of reaching your weight goal. So make these two week the beginning of your weight loss campaign rather than the end.           

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