Oatmeal Smoothie Breakfast Rich & Creamy, Energy Throughout the Day

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This is how my husband and I start every morning with a fantastic oatmeal smoothie breakfast loaded with complex carbohydrates, protein and iron rich and creamy, very filling, it'll give you energy throughout the day, and it's under 300 calories.


½ heaping cup of Oatmeal

1 banana ( you can substitute or mix fruit)

6 dates

Small handful raisins or approximately 1/4 cup

1 capful of vanilla

A pinch of nutmeg or approximately 1/8 teaspoon

A pinch of dried ginger or approximately 1/8 teaspoon

Best results 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (you can low fat or skim milk) Note: To use chocolate milk (nonfat) add 100 more calories and 14% fat. Not recommended

Note: You can also add vegetable to your smoothie, such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, lettuce, collard greens, cucumbers or celery.  

Mix it in a blinder high speed for several minutes. Then breakfast is served.

* Avoid taste fatigue by selecting from all the different fruits and vegetables combinations, mix and match ingredients to make a different flavor smoothie each morning.

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