Chapter 21

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"YOU WHAT!!!" Eliza yelled.

"Oi, keep it down, Eliza. I don't think it is going to go anywhere though." I said.

We were up in my room, while Austin did the brunch dishes. Eliza was obviously happy about my kissing Austin.

"Oh, but Sarah, this is great news. You had your first kiss, and your first make out session. I am soooooooo happy for you. So why ever will it not go anywhere? I mean, you two seem as though you are made for each other." Eliza gushed.

"It might not go anywhere, because I say so. See, I have tried so hard to forget him, and ignore him. I really don't intend on allowing it to happen all over again. You know, the nightmares, and no sleep, the no eating, the thoughts of cutting, the depression in general. I don't want any of it. None at all. Besides, I don't want my first relationship to be long distance straight away." I explained.

"Well, clearly you and Austin..."

"Need to talk? I know. We will be soon. Once he is done in the kitchen."

"Well, he should be just about done, so I will go now. Good luck girly." Eliza said, blowing me a kiss, as she got up, and collected her things. As she opened the door, Austin was about to knock. Looking over her shoulder and winking, Eliza addressed him. "Perfect timing, mister."

I picked up a cushion from my bed and threw it at her. She moved out of the way, through the door, and it just ended up hitting Austin. Austin caught it, thanks to his amazing reflexes, and came into my room. Once he sat down on my bed, next to me, he passed me the cushion. I put it in my lap. I mumbled a thank you to him, and a sorry.

"I guess it's time to talk, then Sarah."

"I want to know about you relationship status."

"Okay. Well, I have only dated Lisa, and we broke up not long after spring break time, back in freshman." Austin said.


"Wow, almost a year together, and you split." He'd been single all this time? "Now, explain what happened last night with Mark. Apparently it wasn't the first time you had seen him, so, in your own words, 'what happened last time'?"

"Last time... you had gone to get me an ice pack when I said that." Austin said, turning to face me on my bed. I copied him, and we were both sat cross legged on my bed.

"Eliza showed me a video someone had sent to her. This will be all over school on Monday, and they will be gossiping about me, again." I said, locking eyes with him for the umpteenth time today, but this time, we weren't caught up in each other's mouths.

"Oh, crap. I am sorry Sarah. See, during freshman spring break, Mark and some bitch came down. It turns out that bitch was Lisa's cousin, so we ended up spending a lot of time together, the four of us. But near the end of it, this bitch kissed me. But I out right rejected her. So she went and told Mark I came onto her, and kissed her, and felt her up. If it were true, she would have reported me, but it was all a lie.

"Mark came up to me the next day, and initiated a fight. I ended up beating him up and hospitalised him. The cops came, and would have sent me to juvie, but as it was self-defence, and Mark had been fighting too, they let me off with a warning."

"Whoa. Did he really do that? I mean, at school he appears to be the nice guy, the golden boy, the role model. I cannot believe it."

"Well, he ended up having to do thirty hours community service, which took up the rest of break. I called it karma."

"So did that lead to your break up with Lisa?" I had to know, alright.

"Uh, yeah, sort of, I guess. It seems that Lisa's cousin told her the same story, so Lisa started ignoring me. When she did eventually speak to me, the day we officially broke up, she told me she had already moved on to someone else, as I had 'cheated on her with her cousin, none the less'. So I told her I didn't, and if she didn't trust me or believe me, she could get stuffed. And considering she was the one to actually cheat, I didn't even try to spare her feelings, for she didn't spare mine.

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