Chapter 10

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So, Mark followed me all the way to the office, and ended up meeting Sam, or more like, catching up with Sam.

"Hey, your Brad's uncle, right? Are you here to pick him up or something?" Well, at least I got Brad's name right. This is so unfair.

"Yeah, I am Brad's Uncle Sam, but no, I am not here for him." Sam said, as he looked away from the office attendant, having signed me out.

"Oh, really? Then why are you here?" Mark asked, genuinely interested.

"I am here to pick up..." Sam then turned and noticed me. "Her." Sam said, gesturing to me. I blushed again.

"Wait... your Sarah's step dad?" Mark said, confused.

"Technically, not yet, but really, yes. You ready to go, Sarah?" Sam asked. I nodded.

"Hold up, aren't you a little young to have a step daughter her age?" Mark inquired.

"No, not really. If I was her biological dad, though, then yes. Anyway, we have to go. Jane said we have ten minutes to get there, Sarah."

"Okay, then let's go." I turned, and headed out in to the small visitors car park.

"Bye Sam, see ya, Sarah." Mark said behind us.

Sam responded with "Later Mark." Me, I just ignored the jock.


We were in Sam's car, stopped at a red light. Something Brad had said earlier popped into my head.

"So, what's this about an after party at our place that Brad gets to invite people too?"

"Wait, you know Brad? He never mentioned you before." I just shrugged. "Well, it's more so for my mates and I, and I thought it would be good to have Brad and a few of his friends over. You can invite people if you want as well." Sam explained.

"Well, Eliza is automatically invited, so I have no one else to invite." I said quite frankly.

"Oh, right... maybe you can make friends with some of Brads' mates?" Sam suggested.

"You do realise, since it is Brad, we are going to have so many people at the party, as everyone will bring someone else, or invite someone else, and so on." I said, looking at his profile, as he moved through the traffic again.

"Yeah, it's expected. I have been to a few parties thrown by Brad. The main reason he throws parties the way he does, is that he has gone to parties thrown by my brother, who copied my style."

"So basically, you're saying it is the way of the men in your family?" I asked.

Sam laughed. "Yup. If you were a guy, I would probably pass down the tradition to you." I made a face. "Hey, you never know." We cracked up laughing.

But a though popped though my mind. If only mom had custody of Robert instead.

"Sarah, it's okay. You are an amazing girl. You will be a wonderful role model if your mom and I ended up with more kids."

"What? Why did you say that?" I asked, looking at him, as he turned into Jane's office complex.

"Well, I really hope to have kids one day, even if we need a surrogate to do so, considering your mothers' age." He replied, whilst parking.

"No, I meant the other bit, about me being amazing and what not." I looked at him again, as the car stopped.

He undid his seatbelt, and turned to me. "You were saying stuff about Robert, and how 'if only mom had custody' of him." He paused, as he noticed my face I was pulling. "Let me guess, you were think aloud, right?" My face heating up, and turning a light shade of tomato was all the answer he needed. "If you want, I won't mention it to her." I nodded. "Good, now let's go in. Do you want me to go in with you, or are you fine by yourself?" Sam asked, some worry evident in his voice.

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