Chapter 2

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So, now that I have been severely grossed out, by Geoff and Steve, I think it was, I am debating whether or not to tell Eliza, that her perve of a boyfriend has the hots for me. One of my reasons to not tell her is that I am sure it was all a joke. But that was on Tuesday, it is now Thursday.

So, now I'm sat, on my bed, trying to figure out what movie to watch, with Eliza. Eliza decided to have a sleep over the night before school, just to see the out-fit I picked out for her.

'...Well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews of a church corridor...'

The intro to 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' starts playing from my phone. I answer it without even looking at the caller id.

"Hello Eliza. What's wrong?" I ask immediately.

"Oh, nothing really. I just saw this absolutely amazing dress that will fit and suite you PERF!" She exclaimed excitedly... and loudly. I had to move the phone away from my ear.

"Wait... what? Why do I need a dress? And aren't you supposed to be on your way here, you know, for our sleepover?" I asked her, feeling slightly confused. Slightly. This was normal I guess. I tell her that I'm not going to a party, but she tries to convince me to go anyway. This will be like the 5th party she has tried to get me too, in the last month. I never go.

"Well, I was getting some necessary supplies for tonight, when I walked past a shop window, which had the dress on display. I mean, it's soooooo you. The colour suites you perfectly, not to mention I know the perfect shoes of yours to wear with it." Eliza gushed over the phone.

"Okay... you better not buy it for me. I don't need a dress for anything. And what supplies do you mean?" This was getting annoying.

"Oh, so you don't want this beautiful yellow strapless dress that is perfect for you? No fair. The black gladiator sandals you have would go so well with it. I don't care, I am getting it, whether you want me to or not. I will see you soon. Later gurl." She said before hanging up.

Ugh, she can be so stubborn sometimes. Hopefully that dress didn't cost too much. I don't like people buying me clothes so casually, so I always try to pay for it.



"Come in." I yell.

"It is I, finally here, fashionably late, quite literally." Eliza exclaimed, as she walked in, many a bag in hand, included a dress bag.

"Get on with it then, show me the dress." I huffed.

"YES! Voila!" Eliza said, after dumping the rest of the bags on my bedroom floor, and unzipping the dress bag.

To say it was stunning was an understatement. It was canary yellow, and strapless. It seemed so simple, yet elegant, but not. Looking at the size, it came down to just below the knee, and was made of a yellow chiffon. It was all frilly, and fold-ey... yeah, I may be good when it comes to fashion, but not describing it, in fact, I have trouble describing most things.

"My... it's..." I was lost for words. "But... the price. It must have cost you a lot." I said, turning my gaze to her face.

"Oh, come on. Must you always make a fuss over the price, Sarah? It is a gift, for you, my best friend. Anyway, I bought it with a gift card. So, for once, will you just leave it?" Eliza looked at me hopefully.

"Fine, I will, but just this once." I said before bursting into laughter.

Soon after, Eliza cracked up laughing.

"What... are... laughing... about?" Eliza got out, through her spontaneous laughter.

"Y...your... face... priceless... puppy eyed..." I managed to get out.

After a few minutes, our laughter died down. We stayed in silence, catching our breath.

That's when I remembered the other bags.

"So, what's in the other bags?" I asked her, staring at said bags.

"Oh, right. Go on, have peek." She said to me.

In a flash, I was by the bags. There were three altogether. The first one I looked in had a stack of movies. I looked at them. They were all in one of three genres; romance, teen comedy, drama. In the next bag was a bunch of junk food, like chips, marshmallows, chocolate, soda, cookies, cheese sticks, and so on. It was an awful lot. The next bag looked fairly empty. I looked inside and saw a receipt. I picked it up, and read it. On it, it said that Eliza had purchased fifteen tubs of 500g ice-cream. That's like 7.5 kg of ice-cream. I guess that means the ice-cream is already in my freezer.

"Eliza, how do you expect to keep your figure, when we eat like this?" I asked her, turning back to her.

"Oh, well, we are not supposed to eat all of it tonight. It is supposed to last us until Sunday, at least..." Eliza trailed off.

"Wait, aren't you only staying tonight?" I asked, glaring at her.

"Well, mom and dad are going away this weekend, and I already asked your mom if its okay, and it is. I am staying all weekend, plus tonight. You don't mind, do you?" She asked, after explaining to me, the situation.

"I don't mind, whatsoever. I'm just concerned about the situation for tomorrow night?" I said, expressing what I thought. "I mean, you are going to a party tomorrow night, and coming back here. I am not sure if mom would like my drunk friend coming back to a party, and staying here."

"Stop. That is where you come in. I want... no, I need you to come tomorrow night, to make sure I don't drink too much, and get me back here safely. Well, that's what I told you mom, but still..." She replied, but I cut her off.

"Wait, you told my mom, my mom about a party that will no doubt be filled with illegal substances, and illegally intoxicated teenagers?" To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"Well, yeah. She already knows I drink, and she doesn't mind me hanging out with you, as long as I don't force you to do that stuff. I explained to her, that I want you to come, to prevent me getting totally wasted. So basically, you're not getting out of going." Eliza that little devil.

"You are the devil incarnate, you know that?" I smirked at Eliza.

"Yup, but you love me." She grinned cheekily.

"True, but still, devil. So, how did you sway mom to agree?" I asked, curiously.

"Oh, well, let's just say we only have ten tubs of ice-cream left..." Eliza trailed off, finishing with a wink.

"Wait, you bribed..." I was cut off by my mom entering my room.

"Sarah, honey. Have you tried on your dress yet?" My mom asked, ice-cream covering her face.

"Mom, you are supposed to be on my side." I pouted like a little child. "You are supposed to keep me away from alcohol and drugs, and wild sex filled parties." Mom just laughed.

"Well, honey, you should know by now. I always am on the side that offers the most ice-cream, which was Eliza. And despite being at a party filled with sex, drugs, and alcohol, you don't have to partake in such things. I hope you don't partake in such things too. I mean, you can have a little alcohol, but not much." Mom smirked at me.

"Mom, why? I am you daughter, but you choose ice-cream over me? So not fair." I grumped, before all three of us burst into laughter.

"Whatever, darling. So, are you going to try on the dress?" Mom asked, looking from me, to the dress, now sat on my bed.

"I guess." I answered, still slightly breathless from the laughing.

"Ohh, and don't forget to put these on too." Eliza chucked me my black gladiators.

"OW!" I grabbed them, after they hit me in the head.

Iwent into my ensuite, and got out of the clothes I wore today- jeans and a tee-before sliding on the dress and sandals. 

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