Chapter 7

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"Where do you see yourself in ten years, girly?" Austin asked.

"Why?" I replied.

"Well, I'm just curious. See, I plan to be engaged to Shailene Woodley, the woman of my dreams. We would have a house together, in California, and we will be madly in love. We will be in the midst of filming a great action blockbuster that I direct, while Shailene acts as the main." Austin explained, his eyes bright with imagination.

I loved how his bright blue orbs known as eyes always seem to be brighter, when he is imagining, and wishing deeply.

"Well, I see myself heavily committed to my crush, maybe married, maybe not. We will be expecting out baby any day now, a boy. I will have published my first book, him helping me the whole way. We will be living in Chicago, in a pent house apartment, with an amazing view." I told Austin, while I focused on the mystifying blue.

We were lying in the sun, on the cool grass in my yard. We were facing each other, our books forgotten. The sun light made his hair sparkle, and him look way better then he already was.

His dark gold hair framed his face perfectly. It was shaggy, and long, down to his shoulders. It smelt like coconut. He smiled at my dream, giving me a glimpse of his pearly white teeth, and his pre-pubescent dimples. He is going to be so attractive when he is an adult.

"Ohhh, you have your eyes set on a guy. Why have you not told me this? I thought I was you 'best male friend'? I should know what guy you're interested in, so I can make sure he doesn't hurt you." Austin feigned hurt.

"Austin, you are my BMF. I know that, if I were to be with him in the future, he would never intentionally hurt me. He will take care of me, no matter the situation." I said dreamily.

"Who is it?" He asked.

You I wanted to yell at him. "Oh, no one." I said with a smirk.

"He can't be a no one, not if you have gone gaga over him like this." Austin pointed out. "Is he fictional?"

"No, he is very mush real, and very attractive." I said, blushing.

"Then why won't you tell me? Is he older then you?" Austin kept digging.

"No, he is our age. I just..." I think I should tell him. "Austin, it's you." I said, looking up at the clear blue sky.

The sky darkened, going grey. The sun got covered by a big dark cloud, then thunder clapped. I could tell Austin sat up next to me.

"What? Yuck, that is gross. Why do you like me? Girls like you should never EVER consider guys like me. We are way out of your league. Get away from me." Austin yelled at me.

"Austin, wait." I stood up, only to be pushed back over by him. I started crying, I fell and hurt my wrist. I was heartbroken. "I thought you were my friend Austin. Austin, come back!" I yelled into the rain, as I saw him ride off down the road, on his bike.

I collapsed, and was just lying in the grass, under the rain.

I woke up in bed, to mom shaking me awake. My face felt wet, and the loose bits of my hair clung to my face. That's when I realised I had been crying in my sleep.

"Sarah honey, are you okay? You were yelling out his name again." Mom looked at me.

"It... it came back. Mom, I thought the therapist said I shouldn't get it again." I said, leaning into my mother, I felt another single tear run down my cheek.

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