Chapter 17

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The music was pumping, the house was crowded, and the atmosphere was positive. A slight feeling of déjà vu swept through me. I hadn't seen Mark yet, thank god. A hand tapped me on the shoulder.

"Here you go." Sam passed me a glass. "It's a Shirley Temple. I thought you would like it. And remember, all the drinks are free, and you are allowed to have as many as you want. Just I suggest not doing the keg stand."

My jaw dropped. "Sam, why on earth would I do that? And I am in a dress, so it's not the time for handstands of sorts." I said, giving him a slight shove.

Sam looked around the party, eying off all the partygoers; a mix of his friends and my fellow students. "So, what do you think of the party?" Sam asked.

"It's okay. So far it seems to be better than the last one I went to." I too eyed everyone, it was rather calm still, as people were still in the early stages of drinking.

"Good. What about at the country club?"

"Well, it was mainly okay. And to think I shoved, yelled, and slapped Alyssa while I was sober." I said, and Sam laughed. "It was fine Sam, though I think you should have thought out the proposal itself more." I smirked at him.

Sam was about to reply, when his face fell. "Speak of the devil, she shall appear." Sam mumbled, looking behind me.

I turned to see, you guessed it, Alyssa. She was dancing with some dude I couldn't name. At the exact moment I laid eyes on her, it was as though she could feel my gaze, because at that moment she looked up. Her eyes burned fiercely, as she ditched her dance partner, who looked as though he was about to kiss her, as she marched up to me.

"Who do you think you are, showing up here?!" She spat at me, her voice laced with venom. I could tell Sam tensed.

"I was about to ask the same of you." I spat back, with more venom. Wow, only a sip of my drink, and I felt witty and confident, which is so unlike me.

"Well, for you information. I am flaunting my popularity and beauty, which you have neither of. What about you, scum." She sneered. Sam rested his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I looked at him, and mouthed a thanks.

"Well, you shouldn't have come. See, Sam here, got engaged tonight. And do you want to know who to? My mom. So this is my house, and my party, and I have more right to be here than you, you pink-wearing-on-Wednesday plastic!" I spat at her.

Yet again, a crowd had formed around us, trying to see what was happening. People had started whispering 'Fight! Fight! Fight!', and soon it seemed everyone was whispering it. Alyssa smirked at me, then shoved me, hard, into Sam, who was now stood behind me. I was quick to react, and slapped her with my free hand.

"OUT!" Sam bellowed at Alyssa. "Get out of my house, before I get security to escort you away." Sam said, his eyes burning with rage.

She snorted unflatteringly. "Like you would have security here." She sneered.

Sam pulled his phone out of his pocket. He went into his contacts, and selected security. He showed the screen to Alyssa, so she could see he was ringing them. He put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Ryan my man. You are missing one heck of a party in here. I was wondering if you and someone else could come into the living room, and escort one of the party goes out. Yeah, she is causing some issues with Sarah, and I told her to get out, but she refuses. Cool, see you in a few." Sam hung up, and put his phone away. "There is one thing you should know, young lady, and that is that I do not joke about security, and the safety of my family and I." Sam said, as he moved next to me, embracing me in a side hug.

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