Chapter 18

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The voice. The way I felt. The speed my heart raced. I just stopped dancing, and stood still. I just froze. Eliza noticed I had stopped dancing, and looked up.

"Hi there, my name is Eliza. May I help you mister?" She asked.

"Sarah. Oh Sarah, answer me, please?" He said. Still, I did nothing,

"Um, hello. I asked you a question, boy. Can I help you?" Eliza said. I looked to her, attempting to plead for her to stop. She noticed, and her eyes went wide.

"Yes, whoever the hell you are, you can help by leaving me alone. I am here for a reason, and it just so happened to not include listening to your annoying voice." He said to Eliza.

Oh, how is it I knew it was his voice, despite it having changed since I last heard it. He stood behind me and was being rude to Eliza. Nothing, I did nothing. I felt bad, as I hadn't defended Eliza right away. But she doesn't understand. No one could understand. I kept my eyes locked on to Eliza. Her face fell slightly, as she realised I wasn't going to defend her just yet. But she didn't say anything else for the moment.

"Girly, don't pretend. I know it's you, and you know it's me, so just respond. Girly, please?" I could hear the begging in his voice. When he called me girly, Eliza's face morphed again, but I couldn't decipher what she meant by it.

Why was I even ignoring him? So slowly, I turned around, in order to face him. I tried to speak, but before I could say anything, he pulled me tight to his chest, his perfectly toned chest.

"Austin." I mumbled into his chest.

"Shhh, I got you now, Girly. I missed you so much." He whispered into my ear, as he rubbed my back.

I took a deep breath, and inhaled the smell I missed so much, and sighed. He laughed, and I felt his chest rise and fall due to it. I then felt him sniff my hair, and felt his chest slowly rise as he breathed in.

"I missed you too, Austin. You wouldn't believe how much it hurt, to leave you, and all my friends behind." I sniffled, moving my face out of his chest, "Here I only have one friend, Eliza." I told him as I moved my head to look up at his face.

He released me, and gripped onto my shoulders gently. "Who's Eliza?"

"Oh, only one of the most amazing girls I know. She... she's the one you just snapped at." I said, as I got caught in his beautiful eyes.

His face turned slightly guilty, as I said that. "I'm sorry, Sarah. It's just, ugh. I miss you, and you have been the only thing on my mind all night. I have been looking for you for about half an hour. I just didn't want to hear anyone else talking, aside from you. I really am sorry." He said, ashamedly.

"It's not me you have to apologise to. It's Eliza." I said, placing my hand on his cheek. What are you doing, you idiot. You have been trying to get over him. Don't let all that hard work go to waste. Move your hand. I couldn't.

Austin leant into my touch, and closed his eyes. "I will, I will apologise to her." He mumbled into my hand. It was surprising that I could hear him over the music. He moved his head, and released my shoulder. He faced Eliza. "Look, Eliza, right?" She nodded. "Look, I am sorry about what I had said just before. It's just I have missed this girl so much. I am sorry, I really am. I generally don't snap like that." Austin said, a sorrowful look on his face.

"No, it's okay. I understand, to a certain degree. You missed her, and she was the only thing on your mind." Eliza said, with a slightly jealous expression. Then she turned and walked away. I'll make sure she's okay later.

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