Chapter 1

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"So, Geoff, are you going to the party on Saturday?" Eliza asks her boyfriend, while battering her eyelashes.

We were by Eliza's locker, as she just finished getting her stuff for the first few lessons. It was just a regular Tuesday at school. Being autumn, I settled on wearing a knee length, ¾ sleeved, floral dress, with my hair up in a bun.

"Only if you want me there, babe." He replies, then gives her a peck on the cheek. "What about, uhh, you, Sarah. Are you going to the party?" Geoff asks, just being polite. Geoff and I only know each other because of Eliza, and we don't really talk to each other, let alone get along all too well.

"Umm, no. It's not my type of thing." I reply back to him. I swear I heard him mumble 'thank god' under his breath, after my reply.

"What a pity. You sure you're not going? I mean, you would totally love it." Eliza asks, looking sad.

"Eliza, you heard her, it's not her type of thing." Geoff said before I could reply. I nodded, showing I agree.

"If you insist. But I need your help with my outfit." Eliza always had me help with her outfits, I guess it's because I am into fashion, even if I wear bland things to school. Sometimes, if she gives me enough warning, I am able to make something just for her.

"Sure. I would love to, what's the theme?" I asked.

Just as Eliza was about to answer, one of Geoff's friends, and one of the most popular boys in school, Mark Johns, approached us.

"Hey girls." Mark nodded at us, mainly Eliza, though. "Geoff, can I talk to you."

"Sure, you can take him for a minute, just bring him back." Eliza chirped at Mark, before Geoff could say anything.

"Uh, yeah sure." Mark said, sounding slightly uncomfortable. "Come on." Mark gestured to Geoff, and walked away.

"God, is he H O T!" Eliza exclaimed, as Geoff and Mark walked away.

"Well, that's not really my place to say, now is it? Geoff is your boyfriend, so it feels wrong to stare at him." I explain to Eliza.

"Hmm, what? Oh no, I meant Mark. Mark is just so daym fine. Have you seen him, I mean, come on, those check bones, they are just, ugh, I think they will be the death of me. His hair is just, I mean, it is messy, but sooooo sexy, I almost forgot to breathe. His eyes are perfection, and his lips, they look so soft, and kissable. I have trouble controlling myself." Eliza kept rambling on, and on, about her boyfriend's best friend. This is just wrong.

"Eliza, snap out of it, ok. You are dating Geoff. Geoff's best friend is Mark. Mark is off limits, ok. You are a taken girl, and you're talking... like a slut. Pull yourself together, girl, you are better than this. ELIZA!" I scolded her.

"Sorry, it's just that, Mark, he is like a guy straight out of a dream. Like the gods put him on this planet for a purpose, and that purpose is for people, girls, to drool over him, and be dazzled by him, every second of the day. As that's what we girls seem to be doing." Eliza glanced up at me. "Except you, I guess."

That's when the bell rang, signaling that it's time to head to first period.

"I will be in the library at break, Eliza, so you can hang with the others today, if you wish." I said over my shoulder, as I walked towards English lit class, and Eliza to math.

I barley paid any attention in English, for all I could think of was, surprisingly, Mark. I don't even know why. He is just some guy. Sure he is popular, and kind of hot. But I don't care. He is the cliché all round golden boy that the school will showcase constantly. He is the star line-backer on the football team, and a straight a student.


The school library, my haven, my place of peace.

I have read so many books in this library, from the library itself. I have been coming here since day one, four days out of five each week, at least. I have time to think, here, in the quiet.

I have become one of the regulars, in fact, my favorite librarian, Ms Jones, said I am the most regular, regular.

This is where I hang, with or without Eliza. Whenever I'm not here, I am on the bleachers, with Eliza and Geoff, who constantly suck face there. I sit away from them, and read in the sun.

It's now lunch time, and I am in the library, clearly, like normal.

What I love about the library, is that smell. The musk of the loved books. It just puts me at ease immediately. So much so, that Ms Jones gave me a scented candle set, for home, which smells like old books. I have used them so much, that my room smells like them permanently.

All was quiet, but then some rather noisy boys came in. I could tell they were boys, by their voices.

Without looking up at them, I shushed them. They continued talking, but in hushed whispers. It was better, I guess.

All was fine, until I heard my name. I looked up to see Geoff and some other guy. I looked away, but I tried to listen in.

"...Yeah, I know. She is actually really hot. I saw her one time in her bikini, when I was at Eliza's house. It's a no brainer to figure out why Mark stares at her ass all the time. She is fine." I heard Geoff whisper.

"Stop, you are such a pervert. So, what's she like in bed?" The other guy asked him.

"I don't know man. I barley even know her. In fact, I only like her body, nothing else. Her personality is just so annoying. She is such a dork. I don't understand why Eliza still hangs with her." Eww, Geoff is disgusting.

"Well, Geoff, that is actually surprising. Here I am, thinking you have a smoking hot girl, I mean two smoking hot girls at your disposal. So, can you hook me up then?" The other whispers.

"Hmmm, well, Steve, I can try to get her for you. She is just, a little closed off."

"Okay, because I would love to tap that. She just seems like the type of girl who would be an amazing f..." I'm stopping eavesdropping now. I do not need to hear them talking about me in such a way, let alone pay attention to it.

Surely they are joking. Why would a guy like me, why would Mark like me? I am not attractive what so ever, and even if I was remotely attractive, I blend in too much to be noticed. Jeez, the fact Geoff remembers what I looked like in my bikini is gross. AND THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT SLEEPING WITH ME!!! EWWWWW.

I get up, and pack up, before exiting. I look at the exit, to see them blocking the way. I have an idea.

I walk towards the boys, and shove past them, while saying "gentlemen" to them.

I look over my shoulder, as I walk out, and their faces are tinged red, especially Geoff.


Hey there. I hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a great start to the new year.

Here is the first update for the year, three days earlier. YAY.

I am hoping to have this story fully posted on here by the end of 2017. Thats just over two years, or there abouts. I am still working on the official scheduale, but it does also rely on my editors (two of my freinds) and how many chapters I end up having written.  So fingers crossed.

I know this is under 1100, but trust me, there are many chapters to come, and some are closer to 2000 words.

Until next time, cheers, Abi.

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