Chapter 11

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The music was pumping loud, and the many bodies on the dance floor were gyrating to it. The song had a catchy beat, doof doofdoof doof it went. The bass made the speakers vibrate, and the floor was vibrating with the beat too.

I was moving my hips to the beat by myself, in the middle of the dance floor. I had been dancing solo for a while now. I held my hands above my head, my drink in one of them. I felt a little of it splash onto my face. I licked it, and felt the alcohol burn ever so slightly. I could drink tonight, Sam said I could. It was at my house, so there was no issue.

The song changed, to one with a slower tempo. I was about to walk away, to get more beer. Something, or rather someone, stopped me. I felt the hands wrap around my waist, and pull me slightly closer. I dropped my cup, and place my hands on the mysterious ones.

I don't know why, but I felt calm and at peace in these arms. They felt familiar, like I had touched them before. They were muscular and toned. But most of all, they were warm and comforting.

The mysterious guy and I were swaying slowly to the music. He turned me around, and I was pressed to his chest, but in a nice way. His hands were rubbing my back. I took in a deep breath and sighed. His smell was delightful. It smelt like smoke from a fire, with a hint of lavender. And his chest felt amazing. I placed my arms around his waist, and my hands were rested just below his shoulder blades. Whoever this guy was, he surely had to work out.

I felt his warm breath fanning my ear, as he leant towards it. He whispered into my ear. "I have missed you so much, Girly, I really have." He said, in a husky tone. His voice was so familiar, and was just so dreamy and sexy. Not to mention the name was familiar.

I looked up to the man I was dancing with, not to see a man, but a boy my age. The first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were so enticing and wide, surrounded by thick, black, lashes. I was caught in them. With the dim lighting, I could just tell they were blue, light blue, and they were locked on mine. I then noticed the hair. It was slightly shaggy, and the fringe fell to just above his eyes. What light there was got caught in his hair, and made it seem like it was the colour of gold, which it probably was. I was then captured by his smile, revealing a set of perfect teeth. His lower face was covered with some stubble. I just wanted to reach out and touch his perfect face.

I was about to, too, but he spoke again. "What, your not going to say anything to an old friend?"

I was about to say something, his name, for I had just realised who it was. But that's when another set of hands pulled him off of me. It was another boy, slightly older. It was Mark.

I woke up shaking, sweat drenched my body. Despite the sweat, my heart was beating a marathon.

Since moving, he only ever appeared in the reoccurring dream. Never has he made an appearance in a different dream. But he did, just now.

But why had Mark appeared in the end of the dream. I have no interest in Mark. None at all.

I looked at my alarm clock: 5:30. I am never going to be able to get back to sleep, and still get up for school.

I slid out of bed, onto my soft, fluffy, carpet, and slipped on my alligator slippers. I know, most girls have fluffy bunny slippers, but I hater bunnies. Why, you ask? Well, let's see. They are evil and plan to take over the world using their impossible brainwashing cuteness. Besides, I love alligators. They are so beautiful and pretty, and not to mention adorable.

I carefully tiptoed downstairs, trying not to make a noise. The last thing I wanted was to wake up mom or Sam. They both adore sleep.

As I approached the kitchen, I could already see the light was on. I walked in to find Sam, making breakfast... completely naked.

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