Chapter 18

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Katelyn's POV
I honestly had no idea where to start. Where are you supposed to find a relic anyway? Like do they send a letter to you being like come on man I'm here waiting? Travis and I looked in Bright Port, the wolf tribe, Mertelli, and every other place we could think of, and we haven't found it. Travis told me to think of places that served as some importance in my life, but where would that be?
I've seen Jefforey around but he hasn't tried to talk to me. In a way I'm glad, but I kind of miss his friendship. I miss how I could tell him anything, I guess that's gone now.
I've started writing in a journal. Plans to take down Zane. Plans to find my relic. I've had some ideas to go by myself and try to kill Zane that I've written down. I have to keep this from Travis though.
Speaking of which, Travis has been a great help. He comforts me when I go through moments of sadness or anger and he makes me feel whole. We haven't told anyone about our relic hunting and I don't think anyone has caught on. I wish I could tell Aphmau, but she'd be worried for me. This has to stay between Travis and I.

Travis' POV
Katelyn has been acting weird lately. She's almost acting....crazed, and honestly I'm worried about her. She's woken up in the middle of the night screaming or crying and I don't know what to do. Whenever we visit a place to find her relic and it's not there she freaks out. When I mention Jefforey and Zane she stops talking all together. I've seen her furiously writing in a journal and when I come in she hides it.
I don't know what to do.
Sorry for not updating in a while, I just have a lot going on right now in my life. Thank you all for reading my story and sticking with me through my periods of not updating. I'll update again soon, I promise.

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