Chapter 16

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Katelyn's POV
I sat on the bow of the ship, inhaling the air, trying to get rid of my sea sickness as my hair flew behind me. I had asked Travis if I could be alone for a bit, which he gladly obliged ,and left me in my thoughts. My stomach churned and I knew it wasn't just because we were on water. What I did earlier is something I'd have never done before if Jefforey had done that. Before I would've took the flowers, a blush plastered across my pale face, and thanked him for the bouquet. I guess I really had changed. As far as I knew when I left the Jury changed Jefforey, from the sweet boy I loved, to a cold hearted...thing. I don't even think I could call him human. Of course, the jury changed me too. I used to be an open book about my feelings and past, now I'm a closed vault, and I had only started letting Travis in. Without my consent tears started to fall from my eyes, I didn't cry because I was mad or sad, I cried because I knew that neither Jefforey or myself would be the same ever again.
            I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and expecting to see Travis, I turned my head to look at him. But it wasn't Travis, and I was surprised to be greeted by Emmalyn's soft smile. I wiped away my tears and sniffled, "Hey Emmalyn. What's up?" I tried to give her a small smile.
            She sat next to me and looked off into the water, "Did I ever tell you how I met Aphmau?"
             I shook my head, "No, I don't think so"
             She smiled slightly, "You wouldn't mind if I told you would you?" I shook my head again. "Well, you see, one day I heard a new pair of footsteps outside my window. I opened my door to see a beautiful young lady with black hair, brown eyes, and a happy smile. She walked around the village, introducing herself to everyone, when eventually she noticed some of our guards stuck in the well. She very kindly helped them out and fixed the well. Then she came over to my house, not even bothering to knock, and waltzed right in. I immediately took a disliking towards her, as she extended her hand to me, and spoke, "Hi, my names Aphmau, what's your name?" I spoke to her for a bit and asked her to leave. Instead of doing so, she made herself a bed and stayed with me no matter how hard I tried to get rid of her. Then one day she left, and to my surprise, I quite missed the little annoying woman.
          "So over time we became friends, sort of. And now, and this is just a guess, but I think she is Irene. So Kenmur and I believe, that if she is a reincarnation of Irene, the other divine warriors must be out there some where too. Are you following?" She tilted her head to the side.
           Again I nodded, "Yes please continue, I quite like this story"
           She smiled and continued, "We believe that the other divine warriors are in our presence. Before you contradict me let me explain. If we were right, it would be as follows.
Aaron would be Shad the Destroyer, Travis would be Enki the Keeper, Garroth would be  Esmund the Protector, and Laurence would be Kulz'ak the Keeper."
            I pondered the idea for a moment before deciding that it was completely possible. "Yes Emmalyn! That is completely possible! This could mean- wait what about Menphia? The fury?"
            Emmalyn grinned, "Ah, I saved the best for last, I believe that Menphia the Fury is no other than you"

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