Chapter 2

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Travis's POV

It feels so good to have people around me again, I never noticed how lonely it got on that island. I guess since I haven't seen people in such a long time, I must not be good at socializing anymore, I made Katelyn cry. But something tells me that it wasn't me that made her cry, it was something else. So, I went to the only person I knew on the ship, Aphmau.
"Heeeeyyyy Aphmau"
"Travis, back off" growled Laurence from across the bottom deck.
"Laurence calm down," Aph said as she walked across the ship to put a hand on his shoulder.
"I ship it" I whispered.
"I heard that!" Aphmau yelled. Laurence just smirked, he loves her a whole lot, I could tell.
"Anyway Travis, you need anything?" Aph asked.
"Um, ya, you know the blue haired girl, Katelyn?" I said, Irene this is harder than I thought.
"Ya, she's one of my best friends" Aph said, always so cheery.
"I suggest not getting on her bad side" Laurence warned me
"Figured that out the hard way, anyway, I was talking to her up there and she just started crying all of a sudden, do you know why?"
Aph and Laurence both looked at each other, "Were you flirting?" They asked in unison
"Her best friend was murdered by Zane a few months ago, she started to make peace with it until we were on the island and the little nymph turned into him. She says she never liked him in a romantic kind of way, but we all know, she really did love him, please don't ask her about it, I can't bear to see her so sad."
"Oh okay, thanks Aph" I started to walk away then stopped "what was his name?"
"Jefforey the GoldenHeart"
"Thanks guys, see you later" and I walked up to the main deck to see Katelyn throwing up over the side of the boat. I felt horrible, she looked so sick, and her eyes were bloodshot from crying.
Katelyn's POV
I saw a bucket being handed to me, I graciously took it, "thank you" I said, though I didn't know who gave me the bucket. I felt someone pull my hair back as I hurled in the bucket, whoever was doing this, they are really nice, I assumed it was Aph.
I felt arms wrap around my waist and someone put their head on my shoulder, that wasn't Aph, but it was strangely comforting, and I relaxed in the arms. I took a deep breath in and out, I dont feel so seasick anymore.
"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't know"
I turned around and saw "Travis, oh my Irene, you scared me!!"
He smiled, he had such a cute smile- GAH KATELYN WHAT ARE YOU SAYING YOU CANT LIKE HIM, HE'S A JERK!
"What do you want" I asked
"You, and I'll help you get over this hurt"
"You look cute when you blush"
That made me blush even more, I probably look like a tomato!
He smiled and walked away, as soon as I left my heart ached for Jefforey, or did it ache for Travis?

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