~Chapter 12~

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I'm sorry it's taken so long to update :( But at the moment I'm right in the middle of my GCSE's which are a tone of exams you take in the UK after 5 years of high school, and I've had to really focus on getting grades improved over the past 6 months or so, leaving little time for writing.

So I know it's short but after my exams have finished I'll be abe to dedicate more time to writing :D 

I had a mission. That boy was just getting in my way ! But I knew that wasn't true, for some reason I felt guilty. I followed the winding corridors until I came to more wooden doors. With my mind I pushed open the doors and walked in with an air of grace type feeling surronding me, people glanced at me before continuing on with there work. So I'm obviously not a stranger then? That was good to know.

 As I cautiously walked down the middle I was constantly alert for the first sign of danger. The workers carried on glancing up every so often and it was putting me on edge. I could feel eyes on me, but whenever I looked around the room all eyes were on the work. I continued to walk, not actually knowing where I was going, but I could feel something pulling me. As I looked further down the stretched room I saw a small door. I could feel such power radiating from behind the door and I knew that I had to get in that room.

 There was only one problem the door seemed to be surronded by six guards. It just proved to me further that I HAD to get into that room, whatever was being kept in there was obviously something that someone didn't want to see. I could try to distract them ? I thought to myself, but no even if I somehow managed to distract them all, how could I slip past unnoticed .

I studied the guards, they were all well built and seemed to have various weapons around their waist. The more I thought about how to get past them the more I realised it was impossible. I would have to wait. Just as I had given up I felt a tingling sensation in my finger tips. Slowly the feeling spread up my arms. It was like a less painfull version of pins and needles.

It felt nice in a werid way. My arms moved by their own accord, and I could feel gentle words escaping my lips. I closed my eyes and embraced it, it overpowered me and I felt invincible, I felt like I could have taken over the word. The feeling of power was sending me giddy and slowly I opened my eyes. Everyone in the room had frozen, not a soul was moving.

I shuffled along the floor towards the closest guard. I waved my hand accross his face but he didn't move, he didn't blink I placed my hand to his chest and felt a slow beat of his heart. It relieved me that I hadn't killed him, yet part of me wished to. A deep dark part of me, was telling me to reach down for the knife attached to his waist, and plunge it into his heart.

I shook my head, clearing it of the black thoughts. As my mind wandered back to the door, the pull towards it seemed to increase and it suddenly consumed my thoughts. I shifted my gaze towards the door and took five long strides towards it. Reaching out my hand, I placed it on the handle, but it wouldn't budge. I waited for my hand to start to tingle but nothing happened, I tried to figure out what had happened before for me to make things happen. I closed my eyes and imagined me opening the door. I pictured it over and over again waiting for the tingling feels to return, but as hard as I tried nothing would still happen.

You need only say the words. A voice said from inside of me. I gasped and stepped back in shocked flinging my eyes open, but although I was shocked from hearing a voice inside of my head, I didn't fear it instead I felt a happiness as if I'd been reunited with an old friend. Say them. Then we can change everything. It whispered again in my head. I gently closed my eyes and placed my hand back onto the door handle. "Open" I said in a strong commanding voice. By some miricle I heard the lock click and I turned the handle and swung open the door.

The burnt orange sun filled the room, giving it a firery glow. At first glance there didn't seem to be anything important that could have pulled me to this room. Close your eyes' , breathe, search for the pull. The voice spoke to me again. Doing as it had said I closed my eye's and imagined what I'd felt before. A faint connection appeared and I followed to where it was taking me. In the darkest corners of the room was a plain, old wooden table, and on it was a plain, old, boring box. But it was this box that was pulling me. Drawing me in.

 I slowly moved towards it and reaches out one of my hands, I felt like I was reaching for a life line, something that would provide me with all of the answers.

"I wouldn't touch that" A familiar sounding voice called out from the darkness.

"Who's there?" I demanded, wishing my eye sight was better.

"Really? Now Isabelle, you can't say you've forgotten me?" A figure rose from the darkness and a man appeared " You're hurting my feelings"

"I neither care, or want to know who you are." My mind was still foggy, and I was still unsure on who I was or the people I knew but I could tell that this man was bad.

"Now, now Isabelle I don't think that's any way to talk to me. Do you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know who you are. If I did I doubt I'd talk to you any different" A low dangerous chuckle sounded from the back of his throat.

"You're trying my pactience Isabelle. There's something different about you, more of a spark. A new romance prehaps? Or maybe it's something else? hmm? " My teeth ground together as his slimy voice continued to talk.

"Look. Whoever you are, I don't know you. Okay? My name isn't Isabelle it's - " I didn't know. Maybe I was this Isabelle people kept calling me.

" Oh this is gold. This is just too good" A sadistic smile crossed his face." I knew from the moment I met you you were special, there was something inside you waiting to be released. And now look, you can't even remember you're own name." He came closer till I could feel his stinking breath on my neck. " How easy it would be to kill you right now. To take your fragile little body and snap it into two."

He began to circle me, taking all of me in. I willed my body to work to force him away ,to tie him up. "But no, I quite enjoy watching you suffer. I think I'll take it up as a full time hobbie." A shiver went down my spine at his sadistic words. I imagined him being thrown across the room and before I could even understand what was happening my arms moved and the mystery man was on the other side of the room.

He looked up at me dazed " How did you? That's impossible, you're human, unless -" His eyes widened with recognition " Impossible, under our noses the whole time. Well this certianly changed things, I can't have you running around like you are."

I didn't really understand what he ment, but as I went to ask he appeared infront of me " What have I done to you? " The question had been on the tip of my tounge since he had stared talking to me

"It's not what you've done my dear. It's what you will do" He whispered in my ear before everything went dark.

Thanks for reading :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2012 ⏰

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