Chapter 5 ~ Adjusting.

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I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I could have gone on forever writing it, but I thought I'd stop there:) next chapter will be good if all goes to plan :PP. Please comment and vote( if you waant :) x ) thaanks :) xx

Chapter 5

Lucifer was standing over me, his eyes were glaring at me.  “Welcome to my home.” He said gesturing around us. “You’ll find things are very different here. You do as I say. I don’t want any arguments, because if you do . . . . well it won’t be pretty.”

Fear was my main emotion. I could feel it rippling through my body, as if it was the only thing I could get a grip on. “Stand up.” Lucifer said in a cruel tone. I did as I was told, I hadn’t realised I was shaking. “She’ll do” A new voice said. I didn’t like the way he said it.”Come.”

Lucifer ordered, as if I was a dog and he was my master. We walked for what seemed like forever, until eventually we came to 2 dark oak doors.” In there.” I was pushed through the doors and fell on a heap on the floor.

I sat up and looked around at my surroundings. I seemed to be in another bed room, but this was no princess’s room, this was a man’s room, but more than that, it was a plain room. “What are you doing on my floor? You dirty girl.” Said the new voice again. “Stand up. Address you master properly” He was speaking to me in utter disgust. Master ? What was he on about?

I closed my eyes, I did not want to see my captor. I could hear him walking around me, and I could feel his breath on my back. “Open your eyes. Isabelle.” I shook my head, I could feel my eyes watering, but I would not allow myself to cry, I wouldn’t show weakness.

“Emily. EMILY. GET HERE NOW.” He shouted.

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” She didn’t look up.

“Get this – this . . . girl some decent clothes.” And that was the moment I knew I hated this stranger, I still hadn’t looked at his face, but as he continued to walk around me, I felt a feeling of hatred I’d never felt in all my life. “Isabelle?”

He said more gently as he touched my face, his hands were smooth, and his scent was divine.” Look at me” He added.”Please?” What was with this guy, one moment he was acting like I was the scum of the earth, and now he was acting like, well I didn’t know how he was acting.

“Isabelle, please” Slowly I lifted my head, to face my captor.

In front of me was, perhaps, one of the, if not the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. He had sandy coloured hair, with grey eyes and although that may sound boring, they were like sparks, or beacons on a foggy day. I was captured by his beauty.”Who are you?” I whispered.

Toby’s  p.o.v

“I can’t believe this. It was my job to protect her, she shouldn’t even be here, I just wanted to be with her in person, she wasn’t suppose to wake up, I was just going to wipe here memory, but then the dream and...” I said pacing up and down the long hall. Jafel was watching me as i did so.

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