Chapter 8- Isabelle's pov :)

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Hey guys , sorry it's been a while had a lot of crap going on recently :/ my mum's been is hospital D: and all the teachers at school have decided to dump A LOT of coursework on us D:  So here's a little bit, sorry it's not much but i thought i should give you something !! :D



Hope you like it :) x

(Isabelle’s p.o.v)

“I-I’ve got to go and urm-yeah” stuttered Toby before he rushed out of the room. I looked at where he’d just been standing with a puzzled look, before looking towards Jafel.

“What was all that about?” I wondered aloud, I looked over to Jafel for answers But he wouldn’t look me in the eye. “Jafel? What’s going on?” I asked hesitantly.

“I can’t intervene young one, this is a puzzle you must solve on your own.” I gave him a “seriously” look. “However, I can tell you that he’s just as confused as you are. Go to him and talk together”  I nodded my head.

“But I don’t know where he’ll be”

“The gardens, that’s where you’ll find him” I smiled and headed towards the gardens, I had no idea what was wrong with him, but what I did know was that something had happened when we were close together, it scared me. I felt helpless, but it gave me something to fight for, it gave me hope. That’s when I saw him, sitting there still as a statue. I just watched him for what seemed like hours, I knew I could never get bored of him.

Oh no. I thought. no no no.  I was falling for him, and if I wasn’t careful I would fall hard and fast.  Slowly I made my way forward, I just needed to see if he was okay.

“What do you want Isabelle?” His voice was cold and it made me flinch, i didn’t know why he was being like this it hurt, I could literally feel my heart hurting.

“I wanted to see if you were alright? You just left in a bit of a hurry, I was worried” I said in a calming voice, I wanted him to know how I felt, but I wasn’t brave enough, I couldn’t get attached people I loved got hurt. My past was clear proof of that.

“Well I’m fine so if you don’t mind I have things to be doing” He snapped as he got up and walked past me. Enough was enough.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me Toby.”I said in my strictest voice, he stopped and slowly turned around. “What is your problem?” I demanded, he was acting like a 2 year old.

“I don’t have a problem” He snapped again, he was lying to me that much was clear.

“Yeah, and I’m the king of Spain”  It was hurting more than ever, did he think I didn’t care, that I was just playing along?

He bowed as he said “ Your majesty” He was being a jerk, a complete and utter arse. He had the nerve to lie to me and them mock me? Who did he think he was?

“You know, you can be such a jerk. I actually thought we were friends, you can’t even talk to me.” I said angrily, I could feel the tears threatening at the edges of my eyes.

“Don’t do that” He shouted at me. Even when he was angry, he was beautiful, maybe it was an angel thing. Maybe I was just biased or maybe both. He was angry I could tell that, but why behave this way?

“Do what?” I asked, I didn’t want to argue with him, I wanted to embrace him.

“Turn this all round make it all my fault!” He shouted back at me, I could feel my heart splitting down the middle, the threatening tears where no longer a threat they were an action. I didn’t want him to see me crying.

“How on earth is this at all my fault? I’m just trying to help you. You obviously have a problem with me, so okay I’ll leave. I’m sorry I’m such a crap person to be around.” I was trying not to cry but it was useless, as one single tear rolled down my cheek. I turned to walk away but as I did he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him and our lips met. I swear I felt fireworks, this was so right, us just seemed to fit. He rolled his tongue over my lip asking for permission. I granted entrance, and the kiss deepened, I wanted this, I wanted him. But suddenly he pulled away.

“That’s my problem” He whispered to me before walked off. I felt like my body was on fire, every fibre in my body was rejoicing. I saw him walk away and I felt like a part of me was leaving with him. I just stood there, watching the person I needed, the person I felt I couldn’t live without just walking away. 

I went to call out but I couldn't. The words i'll never say.

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