Chapter 10 ~ New beginnings

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I wasn't sure when everything had gone black, but I was now surronded by darkness. Slowly I sat up and tried to look around, but it was so dark ; I couldn't see a thing. All of a sudden a light appeared from behind me, as I turned around, ready to protect myself I saw a familiar figure.


" Yes, my sweet, it's me" How was this even possible, the first time was crazy enough, but this was becoming too much.

"Daddy" I ran up to him and squeezed him as tightly as I could. "I've missed you so so much" I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Come on there isn't much time" He ended the hug and we began to walk. "You've changed Isabelle" I looked up in confusion. Had I changed?? I was still the same as I was the last time I saw him like this.

"I haven't, I'm the same as I was before Dad!"  i said slowly as the confusion began to grow, so many question were appearing in my head. Where was I ? How was this possible? and they were just a couple. My heart was beating loudly, as if it was trying to escape. 

"You found the book. Yes?" I nodded in responce. " And you said the words?" I nodded yet again. "Isabelle YOU are the chosen one, you've already been through the first two stages, now there is only one left." It was me? How could I be the "great power" Jafel had talked about? Deep down something inside of me had accepted this andI just knew it was true - somehow.

"W-what are the stages?" I asked cautiously, surely I would have noticed if something was changing inside of me? 

"Well the first stage was saying the words. That awakened the dormant side of you. The second was the pain" I thought back to the horrible pain that I had felt, how scared I'd been. "But you've felt it before haven't you?" Of course, earlier on today with Jafel and Toby. I nodded. " That was your body preparing itself for this. Isabelle do you know what the date is today?" 

I thought about it for a few moments ."Yeah. It's the 3rd of Decem- oh my toda-? The date? No, it can't-  I'm not - this isn't happening." I could hardly get a coherant sentence out of my mouth even though I knew it was the truth, I just couldn't accept that this was happening to me. I was just speechless, why hadn't I realised. And then I knew everything was going to change.

" Isabelle? Last time we met I began to tell you about a choice? Do you remember?" I nodded. " It's soon sweetheart. Just promise me you'll do the right thing? That you'll stay safe?"  His face was full of worry. I just nodded. " Promise Isabelle say it out loud" 

"Of course Dad, I promise you. But what choice?" He smiled at me, but his eyes were filled with a great sadness. 

"The choice that is always made. The choice that can change the course of destiny." I looked at him for more answers but he gently shook his head. 

"Please Dad. I need to know. I-I'm scared." My voice broke on the last word. I saw his face was full of pain, I knew I was the cause of it but I couldn't help it.

"The choice between good and evil." 

I sat up straight gasping for breathe as I did so. My mind was blank, everything was foggy, like a layer of dust had gently fell over my eyes. The light from the room was burning my eyes, but as I tried to think, I realised that I couldn't remember anything about myself. My name? What was my name? All I could remember was that I had something to do, a job to perform, a purpose, but I wasn't sure what it was. I felt like I was out of place, I was trying to remember something, something important, butwhile I triedI becamemore and more frustrated. After a few minutes I hadn't gotten anywhere, and I could feel myselfloosing what little patience I had left.

I saw a flight of stairs and a door at the top of them, so I decided that was my best chance of getting out of this damp, wretched place. As I went up, I had a strange feeling that I couldn't placeThe door was a plain grey colour and nothing special about it at all, but as I touched it I felt a shooting tingle race up my arm. I pulled my arm back and inspected it, but I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. Eventually I slowly touched the door yet again, but this time nothing happened,  but the door was locked as much as I pulled and pushed, it refused to budge, even an inch.

"Open" I shouted getting more and more frustrated. The word sounded foreign to me, but I just knew it was what to say.I heard the gentle click of the lock in the door, and I just knew the door was unlocked. I walked forward and went to push the door open, but I stopped. A sudden thought was brought to the front of my mind. What was on the other side of the door ?? I couldn't remember my name, and I certainly couldn't remember where I'd come from, how did I know that i wasn't safer in here than I was out there? But something was pushing me to open the door. 

So I went towards the door a pushed. I entered into a room that smelt musty, and seemed to be filled with high shelves, I recognised it as a liabary. I heard the door behind be close, I continued to wander further into the liabary, I heard someone shouting the name Isabelle over and over again. The name felt familliar to me, so I changed course and began towards the voice. After a while I was getting more lost because the voice had stopped, with my head towards the ground I continued forward untill I hit a wall.

"Isabelle there you are." As the "wall" turned around I caught my breathe infront of me was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Well so I imagined. " Where have you been? I've been looking for you for ages." Was he talking to me? I pulled a face 

"Excuse me" Yet again the words felt foreign to me, but I knew they were right. I went to walk past but he gently grabbed my arm. He looked at me put out, as if I'd said the most disgusting thing.

"Isabelle are you okay?" Again calling me Isabelle!! I didn't know who she was, I presumed it was me, but if he knew my name then he knew me and I couldn't for the life of me remeber him. There was something pulling at the edge of my mind, some sort of recognition. But apart from that there was nothing at all. " Isabelle?"

I snapped my head up. " Who are you? Why do you keep calling me Isabelle?" He looked at me strangely. " I asked you a question. Two infact. Now, are you going to answer me?" I demanded. Again he looked put out. 

"What's wrong with you Iz? Why are you being like this? It's me, Toby?" Toby? That name felt familliar, flashes of what seemed to be memories, a man with a face like an angel, there was such devotion in his face, such love. I wished- no I didn't. Those sort of things never worked out. 

"I don't know who you are. Please let me go ad leave me alone." I snapped. I shrugged him off and stormed off.

"Isabelle wait." I heard him shout after me. I exited the liabary and went in a random direction. I heard foot steps behind me " Isabelle wait" I heard Toby say again. 

"Leave me alone" I retorted. I walked even quicker trying to get away from him. 

"Isabelle stop running from me!" My pactience was wearing thin yet again. I could feel my head winding up, and tightening. " Isabelle"

I wanted him to stop following me, it was like something programmed inside of me but I knew what to do. I swung round and flung him to the other end of the corridor. I didn't know how I'd done it, but it felt good, like a release. Infact I loved it. I didn't worry about the person I had just harmed, but instead i relished in the fact I'd done so. 

I knew it was wrong, what I had done,  but it felt really good.

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