Chapter 3 ~ Dreams

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Hey guys :) I see some people have been reading :) thaank you loots:) comment and vote(if you want) tell me whaat you think :)X

Chapter 3

Why on earth we decided to go to America on holiday was beyond me. I was too old for this. However, even I had to admit it’d been a fantastic day. We’d seen the White house and the Lincoln memorial and so much more!!!

“Granny can I have an icecream ?” Patrick asked me.

 “Sure love, here’s some money” I answered and he gave me a big hug then ran off to the ice cream stall.

Later that night we were all around the table at the restaurant. I was so happy as I looked around the table I saw my family. My wonderful husband Mike, my beautiful daughter Jenny, my son-in-law James their 2 children Patrick and Lilly, my son Josh, my daughter-in-law belle and their 3 children Jason, Leah and Callum. I knew then my life was complete.

After dinner Mike asked to go for a walk, but he wouldn’t tell me where to. “I can’t believe how beautiful  it is here at night” I thought aloud.

“It’s even better that we’re here together”. I weaved my hand through his, after 49 years of marriage we still loved each other deeply. ”Do you want to re-new our vowels?”

“what?” I was shocked, I couldn’t believe it, this was the icing on the cake.

“if you don’t want to I understand. .. “ He knew I would say yes, but even in his old age he still liked to have a laugh.

“Don’t be stupid OF COURSE I do!” This man, how could I live without him. ”But where are you taking me? Why are we going down the subway?” He gave me a “you’ll see” look.

Eventually we got some seats on the train, and we were chatting away and deciding our plans for tomorrow, when we heard a scream.

There was dust everywhere, there had been a big bang and a flash of light, and I wasn’t quite sure what had happened. I was lying on the floor unable to move, I looked over to my husband but he was just lying there, I knew he had left me.

I could feel myself losing my grip on reality, the darkness was eating away at me, I couldn’t breathe. I wanted Mike. Then I was consumed by the darkness, and I couldn’t feel anything anymore.

I bolted upwards, breathing heavily. “it was just a dream” I thought “just a dream”.

“Are you alright?” I took in a deep breath to scream but a hand smothered it.”It’s only me!”

“OH sorry, what time is it?”I asked “Did you put me to sleep before?” In a more harsh tone.

“It’s 3AM, and yes. I did” he said apologetically

“You had no right to do that” I said coldly.

“I know and I’m sorry, but you need time to heal” He smiled tenderly at me.

“Toby I had. . . “ What was i suppose to say? OH Toby I had a dream i was married with a family, and i got blown up? He’d think I was mad!

“Go on?” It would have to do.

“My dream. I was in Washington D.C with my family, but a new family a husband, children. I was old and we were on the subway and...and there was an explosion”

“How did you know that?” He looked worried

“It was a dream, i don’t know?” What was wrong with dreaming?

“Isabelle, that’s the future, you shouldn’t be able to dream the future!”

“It was only what you told me? My imagination running wild!” Seeing the future wasn't possible right? But maybe it was, but the fire I'd been having all sort of crazy dreams.

“No you don’t understand, that is exactly what happened, i only told you, when you died, not how or who with! I don’t understand this? Come one were leaving! We have to sort this out, this isn't normal.”

“WHAT? No, i’m not going anywhere!” I shouted in a last attempt to ward him off. He touched my arm and all of a sudden we were moving So fast, but we were still at the same time. I closed my eyes the motion was making me feel sick.

“You can open your eyes now ?” I heard Toby chuckle. I opened them slowly, we were in front of this large white building, it looked ancient but modern at the same time.”Welcome to the court of the mighty, the most important people in my world are through there, don’t speak unless your spoken to, don’t laugh, don’t stare just be polite.” We walked through the big wooden doors in to a large waiting room sort of place. “Stay here, I’ll be back in a minute.”

As he walked off I realised how weird this all was, maybe I was actually in a coma and this was all a dream, like Dorothy, but OZ was real. This isn’t real I decided, how could it be? A woman was walking over to me. “You can go in now, just between you and me I think you’ll do well” She smiled at me. “Do well?” what was that suppose to mean.

She led me into this huge room with 6 people sitting behind a big wooden bench, each with lamps and what seemed to me quills. Toby walked over to me, and gave me a supportive nod.

“Isabelle Taylor Parker?” asked a man dressed in a crimson red robe. I couldn’t talk i was frozen in place, fear was running through my veins. Toby nudged me and i realised everyone was watching me.  “Y-y-yes”

“Don’t be afraid child, we will not hurt you. But you are of interest to us, you seem to be able to tell the future, which indicates a rather powerful talent.” He said in a mono-tone, his face expressionless. A talent?

Another man dressed in a shockingly bright blue suit got up out of his seat and walked towards me. “Hello Isabelle, I need to see into your mind, is that okay?” I nodded slowly. I couldn’t say no could I ? He put this hands on the side of my head, it seemed like forever before he lifted his hands, and turned to the others. “Call Lucifer.”

Thanks foor reading comment please, I really want to know what you think about this  :) x

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