Chapter 7 ~ Discoveries

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Hey, sorry it's been a while been seriously busy :PP Hope you like this 



FAAN!!! QK (<-- it's a ninja on it's side :P) 

Chapter 7

“I want to see Emily” I repeated more forcefully.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” His eyes flashed the darkest black. I found myself staring at this monster, his beauty was un-deniable, that was for sure, but I couldn’t help but still feel hatred towards him. “What are you looking at?”

“You” ARGH. What was I saying?? “err,  I didn’t mean it like that, I err, I meant like. Oh forget it.”

“No, carry on, you’ve got me interested now” He raised his eyebrows at me, god he was good looking. I shook my head.

“Forget it.” I muttered “ I want to see Emily.” I reminded him.

“I said no. No means no.” His eyes flashed with such fury. My heart skipped a beat with fear. “ I can hear it you know, your heart, there’s no need to be afraid of me.” But there was, he could snap at any time, I could tell I’d only seen a fraction of what he was capable of.

“You can’t stop-“

“Actually, I can. Now, you cannot see Emily under any circumstances.” He gave me a deathly glare. “ It’s time for you to sleep now. Tomorrow I expect all of this “Emily” business to have vanished or else!” His threats made no difference to me I was going to see Emily.

I couldn’t sleep. It seemed like I’d been waiting for him to fall asleep forever, but eventually he fell into a restful slumber. Quietly I snuck out of my “bed”, and managed to escape the room. I searched the house for ages until I found the set of stairs that lead to the dungeon. It was dark I couldn’t see past my hand, but I had this gut feeling that I would be safe.

Eventually, I reached the cells. This was no place for anyone to live, the air was thick with the smell of damp and rot. “Emily?” I whispered. I waited but nobody called back. “Emily?” I called louder.

“Isabelle? Is that you?” She answered barely; her voice was croaky and broken. I walked down the corridor and found her cell. I hardly recognised her, she looked like death its self, and she was literally skin and bone. “Emily?” I asked again”What’s happened?” She looked up.

“I did what I had to.” She answered simply, with no emotion at all.

“I will get you out Emily. I will” And I would even if it was the last thing I ever did.

I felt déjà vu, this was from my vision, I’d seen the future again!! “Listen Isabelle, there are things you don’t know. Things you must find out, or” she stopped talking. Her face was showing me she was in pain, but she never once made a sound.

“Emily? What can I do?” I was panicking, there was no way of getting to her, plus I had no idea what was wrong with her.

“Get away from here, run and never look back, never ever look back.”

“No, I can’t leave you Emily” I said as calmly as I could my voice was threatening to crack at any minute, tears were in my eyes, I’d grown to see Emily as a sister to me, and now she was telling me to leave her, how could I?

“I won’t be here for much longer, I don’t want you to be sad. Promise me? Promise me you’ll escape. I’m sorry I lied to you about Lucifer, I didn’t want you to be afraid. But he’s not what he seems, the longer you stay here the more danger you’ll be in.” The fear on her face told me all I needed to know, I was in serious shit here.

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