Chapter 1 ~ Accidents

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Okay guys, this is my first ever story i've submitted on here, so please please please be kind, i hope you like it :) x

I should have died on 21st October 2056. I should have been a normal girl with normal teenage years. I should still have a family. But I don't. But I do know I am me. Whatever that means?

Oh and there's something else you should know about me, my wings are white. Or are they ?

That day, I woke all sweaty and I had this bad feeling my stomach. The hot, sweaty august day, that day, it was a day to end all days. The day however passed without any problems. Until I got home.

Tonight was the first time my whole family had gotten together since what happened. It had almost been six months since the house fire. I still had nightmares from that night, well I had the same nightmare over and over every night, always ending the same way. In death and misery and I hated it.  

Whilst getting ready I couldn't help but notice that I was shakey. I was nervous that much was obvious, I didn't want to be pitied anymore, I wanted to be treated like before the accident. I wanted to forget.

"Come on, Isabelle! You get down here now!" My mom yelled up the stairs, I looked over at the clock and saw that we only had 10 minutes until we had to get the the restaurant. "ISABELLE!" My mom yelled again.

"I'm coming, Jesus. We have neighbours you know, I'm sure they'd like some peace and quiet!" I shouted back

"Don't get cheeky with me young lady; your gran is waiting in the car you know how she gets when she gets when you leave her on her own after-" her voice broke off, although it had been months she couldn't talk about what happened without getting upset

"I'm sorry mum, I just wanted to look nice, and I haven't seen everyone in ages" I said trying to sound enthused about the evening of torture, I was being forced to suffer through.

"Well let’s hurry up else they'll think we're not coming” she smiled at me, we headed off to the car. I could smell my mum’s perfume trailing behind her. She always used the same perfume; ever since I could remember. I remembered when I was about 9 I’d asked her why always smelled the same, and she told me it was a grown-up thing.

Once we were all in the car, my Gran started complaining about the buses and how people talked loudly as they walked past her house at night and how her eye sight was getting worse. My mum just listened caringly, but I just put on some music and relaxed.

I did love my Gran but she drove me mad sometimes. All of a sudden my Gran slumped in her chair and pushed up against my mum and she tried to prop her up. I’m not too sure what happened after that but for all of 2 seconds, then there was a scream from outside of the car, my mum swerved, she lost control and flipped over.

 I heard screaming from outside, my mum shouting for help, I heard a voice whispering my name "Isabelle”, it was the most beautiful voice I’d ever heard. I wasn't scared we'd been in a car crash, I wasn't worried for my mum or my Gran, I felt nothing, I knew I wasn’t dead, I could feel and hear and smell and see, but I was cold and I knew deep down that i was slowly fading. But as if someone had switched on a light, I could feel a warming light, warming up my body, giving me the strength to fight the coldness.

I didn't know if I'd blacked out, but next thing I could hear was the sound of some sort of machinery, then I saw the setting sun, I felt like I'd never seen it before, the warming rays hitting my cold face. I saw the face of a man, who smiled at me, and told me everything would be fine.

Next the paramedic's were assessing me; I felt them lifting me onto a stretcher, next I could hear the siren of the ambulance." where's my mum?" I could hear myself saying, but it came out more like "werrmium".

"Just worry about yourself for now. O.K?" said the paramedic seeming to some how understand me.

I felt myself losing my grip on reality; I could feel the pressure of the world on me, like it was trying to crush me into a million pieces. I could feel air whooshing past me and the smell of disinfectant filled my nose, I heard a voice saying “quickly, she's critical"  

“Please save her!" A woman cried. I saw lights above my head flashing.

"She's coming around" I heard a voice say." Isabelle, can you hear me you're in hospital, you've been in an accident, your mum's safe, and your Gran's going to be ok, you’re very ill and we ne . . ." I lost it after that, I must have blacked out again, I didn’t like the way the darkness was consuming me. I was worried I might not come out of it, but as hard as I tried I couldn’t fight it.

 Next I was in a white room with lots of medical staff in it. "Isabelle, we're going to operate on you, now we need you to relax ok?" and I was out, I was never sure if it was the drugs or if I blacked out again.

I didn’t know how much time had passed, but I could hear people talking, they were commenting on something, saying how bad something was, and they weren't sure if someone would pull through. I opened my eyes; I could see a bright light above me, with shadows of 2 men’s head in it.

I sat up and I felt normal, which was weird considering I could hardly keep conscious for 5 seconds i got up off the table and wondered why the men hadn’t asked me what I was doing, maybe they were waiting for me I turned around to confront them, I wasn’t ready for what I saw.

Laying there on the table was me.

I was covered head to toe in cuts and bruises. And there in the middle of my chest, was a window to soul. “Don’t be so poetic at a time like this” I thought. Typical me, you’d think I’d be blonde, but no I had a boring lifeless brown hair. Suddenly, one of the doctors’s said something that bought me out of my own head.

"We're losing her, we're going to have to do something quick if we're going to save her . . .” I was dying. I was watching myself die. There was something slightly sadistic about it. I knew it was me who had to do something, not them.

I wondered what would happen if I didn’t return back to my body, would I simply fade away. Or would I be stuck as a... well a ghost I supposed. Maybe life would    be easier this way? I thought of my mum, and what would happen to her if I died. I didn’t even have to think about it; I was going back.

So what you think then ??? Please comment, and tell me whaat you thnk :) thanks xx

The angel that found her wings!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя