nature : chapter thirty-seven

Start from the beginning

Luke was the first to pick up the pen, leaning forward and signing the papers, then he turned to Reece with the pen and a smile. "Ready to be a Hemmings?"

Reece couldn't help the smile on his face, "wouldn't want to be anything else." He said, taking the pen and quickly signing it.

Maggie took the papers, "I can now pronounce you married."

Then Luke leaned forward and kissed Reece, the brunette kissing back instantly and holding the back of Luke's neck, "I love you," Reece whispered, pecking Luke again.

"I love you so much more." Luke replied, kissing Reece again and again before he pulled back and took out the ring box. He took it out and slipped it on to Reece's ring finger, then putting the other on himself. He looked up at Reece again, "now we gotta tell the kids."


"Why do you want so many babies?"

Reece looked up from his food at the question, seeing Luke had paused, holding his coffee mug. The scene looked so serene, and straight out of a magazine, Luke sitting by the window, then busy Sydney streets behind him.

Reece raised his eyebrows, "do you not want to get me pregnant again? Are you sick of babies already?"

Luke laughed, "no of course not, I'm just curious."

"I couldn't have my own before, and I can now naturally so I'm making the most of it and I mean we're still kinda young so why not?" Reece smiled softly, picking up his drink and sipping it.

"Okay," Luke nodded, "when the twins go to college, we can start trying?"

Reece nodded eagerly, grabbing Luke's hand and kissing it. "This is why I love you."

Luke simply smiled back, "its in my nature to love you."

Later in the day, the now married couple picked up the twins and Cory from school, before heading home and letting Paige go home and be free from her babysitting and tutoring duties.

Reece grinned, picking up small Sam from his cot, "hey baby." He smiled, rubbing the small babies back, the tiny human being crying softly. "Oh don't cry, daddy's here now, pumpkin, you're okay." He said, kissing across Sam's small face, wiping away his tears.

Luke sorted out the kids across the room, undoing Cory's shoes, "can you do your homework straight away buddy?" Luke asked his son.

Cory whined, pouring, "I wanted to play with Scotty and Sammy."

Luke tutted, "after homework, and they aren't toys to play with, they're your brothers." Luke told Cory, before putting his shoes to the side and standing up, pulling Cory up with him. "Room, homework, then playtime, be good."

Cory huffed but walked off upstairs, before Luke turned around to see his husband soothing their baby. He moved across the room and looked down at the play pen, Scott playing with a shaker, he kneeled down, picking up the toy and shaking it making Scott reach for it. "Oh you like this?" Luke cooed.

Scott opened his mouth, clapping his small hands together, making Luke smile before he scooped up the little boy. Scott made a small noise, but leaned his head on Luke.

Reece sat down, nudging Luke as he did, Sam on Reece's knee. "I hope when they're older they get along."

"I'm sure they will." Luke said, "they'll have to, anyway, the girls won't like having small kids constantly wanting attention so they'll have to entertain each other."

Reece smiled before he leaned forward and kissed Luke's cheek, then kissing Sam's head, "I love you Luke."

Luke smiled, "I love you too."

Later that night, after dinner, the kids were quiet and the babies were in bed and Reece was curled up in Luke's lap on the sofa, before the phone rang.

Luke sighed, lifting Reece's head off his lap and standing up. He went to the kitchen where the phone was on the wall, he picked it up, pressing it to his ear, "hello?"

"Luke honey." Liz started, "I wanted to call and talk to you and Reece about starting to plan the wedding."

Luke poked his head out the doorway of the kitchen, catching Reece's eye and motioning him over, "hang on mum," Luke mumbled, covering the microphone end of the phone.

Reece approached him, "what?" He asked.

"My mum asking about planning the wedding, she doesn't know we did it today."

Reece sighed, "just tell her Luke."

Luke frowned, moving his hand, "uh about that," Luke started, "me and Reece went to the town hall this morning and we already did it. We already got married."

Liz was quiet before she sighed, "I really wanted to see my little boy all dressed up on his wedding day be if that's what you wanted then fine." She said, making Luke feel bad for at least not telling her, and he knew she was disappointed.

Reece moved closer, putting his arm around Luke's waist, "what's wrong?" He asked softly.

"she's sad she didn't get to see me dressed up to be married." Luke said, covering the receiver. "She says it's fine but I know it's not."

Reece took the phone then, "Liz? It's Reece." He started, "I'm sorry we did tell you and I'm sorry for just doing it but we didn't want a big white wedding." He said, then adding, "but we could do a party of sorts, like a fake wedding? For everyone's benefit."

"Would I get to take photos you two and the kids dressed up?" Liz asked quietly.

"Of course you can." Reece grinned, looking at Luke.

"Then deal," Liz laughed, "we can start planning soon."

"That sounds great, we can meet up soon and talk about it." Reece said, "we better get the kids to bed, I'll speak to you soon Liz."

"You too Reece, thank you."

"You're welcome, goodnight."

Then Reece put the phone down and looked at Luke, "were having a "fake wedding" so your mum can have photos of us all dressed up."

Luke smiled, grabbing Reece's hips and pulling him close, then he kissed Reece, "honestly, you're one of the most amazing men I've ever met."

Reece grinned, "I try."

"I love you," Luke sighed, "a whole lot."

"I love you too Luke."


This is the end, my only friend


Getting married?

The babies? And kids? Lil Cor?

Liz? Wanting to see her baby all dressed up on his wedding day instead? Deciding on a fake wedding? I think it's cute, if I got married I would want it small tbh, more special and private hmu Luke

This is the last chapter now, and if I get enough comments I'll do the epilogue

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now