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(Marcus;) ♡

You and your closest friend Marcus where swimming in his pool when you both got into a real deep conversation

"You know what y/n? This world is so screwed nobody does anything ni-" you cut Marcus off by connecting your lips to his. Your hands cresses his cheeks as he moves his hands slowly around your waist

You pull away from the kiss "shh, in time things will get better Marcus. I promise" you say smiling strolling to the other side of the pool.

Marcus's eyes still shocked, but yet keen strolls towards you spinning you around. He grabs your face and continues to kiss you

(Lucas); ♡

"Wanna come to my pool?" Lucas says to you as your both walking home from a long day at school

"Lucas I don't even have my bathers" you sigh

"That's ok, you can wear mine" he winks and you laugh

" like there gonna fit, your double my height"

"Just wear your bra and undies then!" He says getting frustrated

"Uh fine"


"Y/n come in the water!" He yells as you are getting nervous by walking half naked in front of your crush / guy best friend

You walk out the house and look towards Lucas who was staring

"Stop staring at me!" You blush looking away

"Why? You're beautiful" he smiles splashing water towards you. You can't help but smile

You eventually hop into the water, with the pressure of Lucas chucking you in.

You swim away when Lucas grabs your waist and faces you towards him

"In the count of 3 kiss me under water ok?" He says smirking

"Wait what?" You say

"1..2...3" he pulls you down and kisses you under water

You swim back up

"Oh my god Lucas!" You laugh but blush

"We gotta try that on my bed some time" he winks at you

The worst update I'm sorry 😷

Let's play a game though

[ what year are you in at school?]
[ favourite YouTube? ]
And lastly
[ favourite animal? ]

I'm curious 😉

Dobre twins ♡ imagines Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя