19; Share this day with me

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Today was a lazy day, Laurens could tell.

Just a day to lie around doing nothing with his friends.

Currently, as always, it was 3 am, and he was sitting with Seabury, talking.

"Charles is really nice! He said he really likes you, Laurens. I'm happy that my best friend and boyfriend like each other!"

"Hah, me too! Man, I'm a third wheel now."

"Not unless we get you a boyfriend."

"What... Are you saying?"

"Oh nothing, just that you and Hamilton should totally get together."

"I'll get with him when Lafayette gets with Hercules."

"Hah, well you're in luck, I heard they just started dating."

Laurens face felt flushed, "what? Really? I need to ask."

"Go ahead!"

Seabury laughed as Laurens stumbled to grab his phone. He quickly typed in Lafayettes number, not realising what the time was, and waited for him to pick up.

It only took a few rings for Lafayetye to pick up, his voice laced with annoyance.

"Laurens it is 3 am, mon cher, what the fuck do you want."

"I need to know if you and Hercules are dating."

"Yes, we are. Why?"


Laurens hung up quickly and shoved Seabury.

"You fucking dick!"

Seabury laughed and shook his head, "Calm down bucko. You don't have to date him."

"I know. I think I want to though."

"You should tell him. It'll be good for you."

"Yeah, but I don't know how. I'm just kind of worried, you know?"

"Yeah, I know, but look, it's best to get it off your chest."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Damn fucking right I am."

* * *

Laurens say next to Hamilton. They were binge watching Supenatural. Laurens had somehow found out that Hamilton was obsessed with Supernatural, just like him.

And the both of them wanted Dean Winchester and the Angel, Castiel, to get together.

"They have the strongest relationship! Even stronger than the brothers. Do you see the way Cas looks at him."

Laurens chuckled softly and nodded his head, "Yeah, I agree. Their personalities compliment each other."

"Finally! Most of the people I've watched this with disagreed."

Laurens smiled softly. He wasn't really watching the episode. Most of the time he was just admiring Hamilton.

The way his hair slightly curled, and the way he grinned whenever Dean and Cas did something.

Man, he was head over heels for him.

And he had decided to be brave. Take a chance and tell him all of his feelings.

"Hey, Hamilton?"


Hamilton turned to face Laurens, his face slightly smiling.

"Can I-uh, talk to you about something?"

"Of course."

"Well, I, um- I think I'm in love with you. Like, romantically."

Hamilton sat there just staring for a few seconds, making Laurens stomach churn with anxiety.

He shouldn't have done it. It was the wrong time, wrong place. He screwed everything up and-

"That's a relief!" Hamilton exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air, "because I feel the exact same way!"


Laurens couldn't believe it. His face was warm and his anxiety was now replaced with butterflies.

"Yeah! Laurens, we are just like Castiel and Dean. Not with the Angel-human thing, or anything like that. I mean our personalities compliment each other!"

"Yeah, you're right."

"And who wouldn't fall for a face like that. I mean, seriously, you're so god damn beautiful."

Laurens giggled softly, pushing Hamilton, "No I'm not."

"What! Yes you are! Honestly, you are unbelievable John Laurens! You have the most perfect face in the galaxy!"

Laurens face felt extremely hot and he grinned, "oh shush you."

Hamilton smiled softly, and put his hand on Laurens' cheek.

"I mean it, you're so beautiful. I could just kiss you."

"Then why don't you?"

Hamilton laughed softly and slowly pressed his lips against Laurens'.

The kiss was nice, soft, calm. Laurens just melted into it. He felt safe, and at ease, like nothing could hurt him at all.

Hamilton pulled back, his eyes sparkling.

Laurens laughed softly, "You're surprisingly a really good kisser."

"Surprisingly? John Laurens, I'm disappointed."

Hamilton shook his head jokingly and Laurens laughed again.

It seemed as if Laurens was doing a lot of laughing with Hamilton, which he didn't mind at all.

"Hey Hamilton."


"I love you."

* * *

Hey here we go

by the way I have some MUSIC RECOMMENDATIONS

1) Regina SPEKTOR
2) The Book of Mormon ( ;)) )
3) Les Miserables

anyways ily xoxo

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