24; Flowers are nice

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It had been two days since Laurens had talked to Hamilton. Laurens was ignoring him half the time, and was still thinking about anything.

You don't just get over something like that in two days anyway.

He just needed time to think, to understand what he was going to do. What he wanted to do. Did he even want to stay with Hamilton? What he did was bad, even if he was drunk.

Currently, Laurens laid in his bed at three am. He was thinking so loud that Seabury could probably hear him.

He recalled what Hamilton said, about the flowers.

Yes, it was true, they'd used to pick flowers as kids. When it was dark they'd go hunting for beautiful flowers and give them to each other. Sometimes Laurens would make the flowers he got for Hamilton into a flower crown, and then give it to him.

He's kept it? For all those years?

He didn't know if he should believe him or not.

Laurens sighed softly, turning into his side and closing his eyes. All he needed was a bit of rest, he could figure it out.

* * *

"Hamilton, Hamilton!"

Laurens giggled softly, running across the grassy field in the dark.

It was a beautiful night, the stars and moon illuminating different parts of the boys body's.

"Yeah Jacky?"

"I got some really nice flowers! And I made them into a crown! Just for you!"

Hamilton giggled as he cautiously ran to his friend, who held a small, flowery crown in his hand.

"But I'm not a king, Jacky!"

Laurens giggled, "You are to me! Come on, wear it! You'll look super dooper pretty!"

"Okay! Can I have it first."

Laurens giggled and nodded, handing the small crown to his friend.

As Hamilton got it, he put it on his friend instead.

"Hah! Now you're a King and you look super dooper pretty!"

Laurens giggled, "No, silly, it's for you!"

"But I want you to wear it, 'cause you're really cute!"

"But you're cute too Jacky! You're way way way cuter than me! You got little dots on your face that make you look really adorable!"

Laurens laughed, "Okay, I'll wear it! But I have to make another for you, will you help me get some more flowers?"

"'Course Jacky!"

The two little boys giggled in the darkness as they both headed off in the same direction. Laurens grabbed Hamilton's small hand and gripped it as he ran.

Hamilton looked down and smiled softly, still running with his small friend.

"Ham! Look, there are some pretty flowers over there!"

"Do you want to get them?"

"Yeah! They're a really nice purple and pink! I bet you'll love 'em!"

"Jacky, I'll love anything you give to me!"

"Shush Hammy, let's get the flowers!"

The two boys giggled as they ran to the flowers. As they approached, Laurens let go of Hamilton's hand to bend down and carefully pluck the flowers from the ground.

Laurens was right. They were a really beautiful purple and pink. He already loved them, but to be fair, he would've loved anything Laurens gave him.

Laurens quickly gathered other flowers of the same type and carefully stared making them into a crown.

Hamilton smiled softly as he watched Laurens' small hands move around the flowers so delicately. It was beautiful.

Eventually, Laurens finished making the crown and grinned proudly.

"Okay, you gotta wear this one, promise!"


Laurens giggled and stood on his toes, putting it on Hamilton's head softly.

"There! Now you look like a queen!"

"I thought you said I was a King!"

"No, I'm the king! You can be my queen though!"

* * *

Laurens jolted up, his breathing uneven. He was about to cry. Laurens never handled memories well, and he was prepared to cry.

And that's what he did. He sobbed until his hear was content, which was most likely never. He only stopped when he heard a knock on the dorm door.

Slowly, he got up and opened the door. But there was no one there. Probably a prank, he thought.

He looked down and noticed something. Cautiously, he crouched down to examine the strange item and almost broke down crying again.

It was a purple a pink flower crown, but it was slightly tattered. Nonetheless in decent shape. There was a note on it as well.

I love you, my King.

* * *




sorry sorry I really like this cheaper

The smalls are so cute IM sobbifb

Anyways ily xoxoxoxoxoxo

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