
Later that day Joe called me to meet him back at Barry's childhood home where he asked me to set up Cisco's holographic device again. I waited for them until I heard the front door open.

"Diane?" Barry asked in confusion as his eyes settled on me. "What...what are you doing here?"

"You were wondering what I was hiding from you, and this is it." I replied as I looked over at Joe for him to start.

"Bar? This mirror you remember it?" Joe asked as he walked over to the mirror.

"Yeah. Belonged to my grandma." Barry explained as he continued to look around the house in confusion. "How is it still here?"

"Just be glad it is." Joe replied as he looked over at me. "Look I don't fully know how Cisco did it, but Diane if you care to explain?"

"The silver nitrate from the back of the mirror was exposed to multiple flashed of lightning that night. And those flashes left imprints of pictures that we'll be able to see through here." I said as I touched the machine.

"What are you trying to say?" He asked me and I pressed the button allowing the machine the expose the hologram at the center of the room. "Mom?"

Barry began to look broken and I but my lips wondering if this was a good idea after all, what we were showing him was hurting him.

"You can definitely see two very fast people fighting around your mother. Two speedsters." Joe informed as he then pointed to the wall where we discovered the blood splatter. "You see that?"

"The blood?" Barry asked as he looked at the two of us.

"Cisco and I had the DNA tested." I informed him. "And Barry it's yours."

"No, it's not. That's impossible." Barry said slowly still confused. "I wasn't even downstairs yet."

"No, Barry. Not that you." Joe corrected as he pointed at the hologram of eight year old Barry. "This you."

"Cisco and I had the samples analyzed and the proteins in the blood were that of an adult, not a child." I continued to explain and Barry shook his head in disbelief.

"That means the second speedster, the one trying to stop the man in yellow..."

"Is the Flash." Barry finished piecing together what Joe was going to say. "That's me."

Joe and I nodded as Barry looked at us clearly overwhelmed with all this new information. "We just don't know how to explain any of this."

After a long discussion we agreed to ask Dr. Wells about what he thought about the situation. Joe, Cisco, Barry and I met up at the Cortex where we all began to tel Dr. Wells everything that we just discovered.

"Time travel." Wells said as he processed everything that we just told him.

"If last five months have proven anything, it's that anything can exist, but to actually travel through time?" Joe said skeptically.

"Well, the greatest minds in human history put their collective genius towards solving that puzzle." Dr. Wells replied deep in thought.

"So. Is it possible?" I asked realizing that my life was starting to get to a whole new level of crazy.

"Yes, it's possible. But problematic. Assuming you could create the conditions necessary to take that journey well, that journey would then be fraught with potential pitfalls." Dr. Wells began to explain to the three of us. "The Novikov principle of self-consistency, for example."

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