Chapter 32~ Smoke filled lungs

Start from the beginning

The day was spent with Brax and I hanging around his shed, I sat in one of his plaid shirts that sat just about mid length on my thighs, we played several rounds of various card games, he of course winning nearly every single time. "This round if I win, you have to kiss me" he says, I rolled my eyes "Okay but if I win then I get to keep this shirt" I said to him, he nodded "deal".

We were playing 21 and it was close, I made a split second decision to just go for it "Hit me" I said and he sealed out card, he laughed "Bust" he said, I shoved the cards out of the way and dived into him, connecting our lips.

There was a knock on the shed door, I got off of Brax "I'll get it" I said, thinking it would be one of his mates or something but instead there was my mother. "Mum" I said hugging her, she smiled "hi sweetie".
I let go of her, "I went to see you at dads but you weren't there" I said, her face fell "I left him". I smiled "you did?" She nodded, "caught him cheating on me so I told him to go to hell" she said, I laughed.

"How did you know I was here?" I questioned, "I saw you on the news with that band your travelling with and I figured you could be here" she said, I nodded "is he here? I would like to meet him" she said referring to Mikey, I shook my head and my lip quivered "we broke up" I said, she hugged me "I'm so sorry dear". It was so weird to be hugged by my mother again.

Brax came outside "Oh hey Miss Kalatine" he said as he saw my mother, "Hi Brax" she said, "do you wanna come in?" I asked.

I talked to my mum and she told me she has a room for me to stay in while I'm here, she even said she could take me shopping to get some clothes because my suitcase was with the band.

My mum is a much different person than before. We drove into a very nice looking driveway, the house looked really nice.
I sat on a stool while mum made me some food as I waited for my clothes to be washed. She gave me a present she had been saving to give me for my 18th birthday, it was a crystallised glass statue.  I didn't even know we had family heirlooms and stuff.

I slowly begin to eat the eggs and toast that was placed in front of me, my mother took the seat beside me. "So uh, I have a question?" She said, I turned to face her "shoot" I replied, "So I know you and Brax used to be a thing and your wearing only a flannel shirt" she said. I think I began to pick up what she was putting down, "He kind of likes me, nothing's official and I don't know if I want anything official" I said to her, she nodded "Okay then, but you were just with someone so let the wound heal" she said, I smiled "thanks for the advice".

When my clothes were dried I grabbed them and headed up to my new room, it was an alright size, the bathroom was painted a light blue colour, I smiled. I always tried to convince my parents to paint the bathrooms blue. 

I changed into my outfit and skipped downstairs to mum who was waiting for me in the car. Once I got in I turned up the music, There was nothing I loved more than a car ride with some good music.

A 5sos song came on the radio, it was Fly Away from their new album, I remember when Mikey was so excited for me to hear this song when they had recorded it. I switched it over, I couldn't hear his voice without wanting to break down into a crying fit.

Mother and I walked around the mall, so far I've picked up a pair of shoes, a dress, 2 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans. My mum never took me shopping as a teenager, I felt like I had missed out on that experience of the traditional mum and daughter relationship.

As we walked out of the mall, I spotted a guy with a camera. He began flashing photos of me, I sighed and told my mum to pick up the pace. I had completely forgot about the fact I was semi-famous.

"Sorry about that" I told her as we were finally in the car, "no worries" she said, "What's it like being photographed all the time?" She asked, I shrugged my shoulders "Idk, it's uhh just different" I replied.

I stood in front of my mirror in my new outfit, I grabbed Brax's flannel and tied it around my waist. I was brushing my newly straight hair out when my phone buzzed on my desk, I picked it up and smiled.

Brax: Look outside the window.

I slid the curtains across the window and opened it to see Brax and his car waiting for me in the drive way.

I raced down the staircase and found mother sitting in the lounge room. "mum I'm going out with Brax okay?" I told her, "okay" she said with a smile. I walked through the front door and there he was in his truck. I opened the door, "To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked and turned to face him, he leaned in "I wanted to see you" he said, I smiled. "So what are we doing tonight? Another rave?" I asked, he shook his head, "tonight it's just us", I gave him a shocked facial expression, we drove down a road that seemed vaguely familiar. When we turned upwards to a winding pathway I realised where we were, I laughed "now you remember?" He asks, I nod. This was kind of like our destination.

I remember looking up at the stars, lying down on a blanket in the back of his truck. We jumped out and were parked rather close to the edge, the sun was just beginning to set.

I jumped onto the back of the truck and sat cross legged, he pulled out a picnic basket from the front. I laughed "oh look at Mr. Romantic here" I said causing him to blush.

After we ate the chocolate dipped strawberries and sipped champagne which honestly I don't think is all it's hyped up to be, I sat between Brax's legs, staring at the sky as if everything was normal, as if I was okay when something inside me just screams I'm not, that something about us is wrong but I continue on anyway.

I looked up for a slight second and realised he was staring at me, he blushed when I caught him, after a few seconds of us looking at each other in silence he leant down and kissed me, my hands were tangled in his hair. I keep kissing him because he makes the pain go away, all of a sudden I felt like I wanted more of him. He laid me down without breaking the kiss, "I want you" I said, he pulled back, surprised by my words I pulled him back down towards us and pulled his shirt off.

He began to take off my shoes when a flashlight blinded us. "Oi you kids are in trouble", without a second thought I let out a single word "fuck! Run" Brax grabbed his shirt and jumped out of the side of the truck, taking me with him we slid in and the cop chased us.

"Drive" I yelled and we took down the road but not going to fast so they had another reason for them to take us in. We were onto the main road now and we broke out in laughter, the police sirens sounded in the distance so we drove down random streets trying to escape them, once we thought we were good we calmed down a bit.

We were now walking towards Brax's shed, I switched the light on and took my jacket off as I waited for Brax to come inside. When he did he grabbed my waist and pushed me onto the wall, I jumped so my legs were wrapped around him and he lifted me onto the couch, He pulled my pants off and continued to slide his hands up towards my bust, I flipped him so I was on top and ran my hand towards his area, I saw his face of pleasure as I did my work, he groaned it that made me weak in the knees.

From there we continued and it was a passionate experience but I found my mind wondering over to my experience with Mikey and I think I kind of knew there was a bit of a spark missing, something that didn't make my heart race. Like he could.

After we were done, Brax fell asleep so I grabbed the pack of cigarettes from my jacket and went outside to smoke. The air sent a shiver down my spine and my phone buzzed, it was a call from Mikey. Should I answer should I not? I thought, ugh I hung up the call, guilt filled my body.

I had turned into a shell of a girl, one who gave up her prince for the pauper and now spends her days filling her lungs with smoke.

So let me know what you think of Brax and Alessia's thing and of Alessia noticing her depression. This is just a dark chapters her life  and things will probably get better soon, maybe. ;)

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