Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


                In life, I always believe that everything happens for a reason.

                For instance, I woke up this morning in a weird way because of my head colliding at the end table near the bed. The pain that I felt was like double the pain I felt on my head when one of Justin's goons sent a ball flying back in freshman year. Thus, marking the day I loathed the game dodge ball. Anyways, as I nurse my head, rocking myself back and forth like a child, the alarm on my phone came blaring as loud as a police siren making my ears hurt. It was only at breakfast time that I knew Julie sneaked into my room last night to play this stupid prank on me.

                If Julie hadn't pranked me at that time nor did my head collided with the end table, then breakfast would start off the same. My sister would tell stories or the latest gossips about school while Dad and I would listen intently and ask questions regarding the stories. It wouldn't start with me, chasing Julie outside our yard with nothing but my boxers on. And it wouldn't certainly end with me, embarrassed as Mrs Cooper scolded me because I was streaking, which is not because I still got my boxers, while Dad and Julie are laughing hysterically. 

                Then after Julie left to hang out with her friends, I decided to call Alex, thinking that the avoiding and the silent treatment's forgotten. I can't reach her phone so I turn to another source of communication. I left a message via Facebook and dialed on their phone number via telephone. Well, she answered. And by her, I meant Alex's mom. I can say that the conversation's decent, if you didn't count the fact that she sounded like she's been drinking until morning. And as I slowly hang up, I realized the reason why Alex is not answering my calls.

                If Alex answered it, then maybe we might've made up, go to our favorite hangout and probably make out and hold hands until the sun sets. But because her Mom answered the phone, that must mean she left the house and sleep over at Penny's (her best friend. A pretty girl, I must add) and turned her phone off to block her Mom calls.

                And if Alex answered it, then I wouldn't have been disappointed and watch pointless cartoons on some Australian channel I randomly picked, which consists of puppets singing some friendship song. Dad noticed it so he ushered me to go with him and do some gardening. Because according to him, gardening is what real men do. I could only nod absentmindedly as he blabber about how gardening must be a sport in the Olympics while carefully trimming his bonsai.  And yes, I was bored to death.

                After 4 painful hours of listening to my old man, Julie called and asked me to come and get her at Starbucks before 3:30 so I excused myself or rather, bolted out of the house as I quickly wore my coat because it was freezing outside. And as I ran aimlessly, I was surprised as I found myself standing in front of Sandra's house. I knocked two times, calling out to Mr and Mrs Baker. And when I heard neither a creak nor a step, I turned the knob and was not expecting it to be not locked. That can only mean one thing.

                Sandra's home.

                It's been a habit for her to leave the door open in case Calvin Jr (yeah, let's call him that) gets excited. I once told her not to because it's like letting a robber or some creeper in. And because of that, she came up with this idea of having a mini-play before we do that. I would pretend to be some robber or a drunkard or, for extreme cases, a boss having an affair with his secretary while she would pretend to be the victim or the secretary. And to be honest, it was fun. Well, if you minus the time when she forced me to wear a blond wig and tied me to the bed while she dressed up as King Kong. (Her brother, George's costume)

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