Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Whoosh! Came the ball.

I quickly grabbed it and slammed the ball into the hoop, landing my feet on the hard concrete floor. The last time I played basketball was before Christmas break. And boy, did Coach Blaire punished me for skipping practice a bunch of times. He made me do laps after his death drills. If you're asking, he made me freaking run a hundred laps. A hundred laps!

I admit, I wanted to blame Sandra for making it a hobby to skip. But if I wanted to point fingers, it's all on me for not stopping myself. On the good side, I managed to attend my classes because of Alex's influence. But even though I'm skipping, my grades weren't in jeopardy. Not to brag or anything, but the lowest grade I had was a B. Or was it a B-? It seems I forgot.

I dribbled the ball twice and let it fly for a two point shot. But it hit the ring instead much to my sudden annoyance.

"You suck." My eyes wander over to my best friend, who was playing with my ball on her hands.

Man, that sounds wrong.

I playfully shot her a glare and motions for her to pass me the ball. Sometimes I wonder how Sandra appears out of nowhere and disappears all of the sudden. It's like she's a freaking ninja. Man, I hate ninjas. They freak me out.

Sandra passed me the ball, which I caught swiftly (yes, I am bragging this time) . I dribbled the ball once before turning my attention to her. "Are you a vampire or something?"

"I don't know." She furrowed her brows, her lips twitching into a half-smirk. "Do I sparkle?"

"Psh... Yeah, right." I snorted. "Like vampires even sparkle."

She rolled her eyes. "Edward, duh." I raised my eyebrows.

"Is he even a vampire?"

"And you call yourself a bookworm." She approached me, snatching the ball in my grasp. "I'm guessing you're not a Twilight fan?"

"Obviously." I shrugged. "I read Vampire Diaries and True Blood. The only book that I read from the Twilight series was New Moon. The other books made me gag." She flashed me a look of disbelief. I stick out my tongue at her in response.

Man, that sounded wrong too.

"Ugh." She made a look of disgust. I'm guessing she's not a Jacob fan. But why does anyone even like that Edward guy in the first place? I mean, he's cold and pale like that frozen hot dog at our freezer. If I was Bella, I'd scream to death from kissing a corpse. But don't get me wrong, I'm not a Jacob fan. I just like werewolves because they're awesome.

"So what team are you in?"

"Of course, Delena." I smirked.

A look of confusion was plastered across her face. "Wha-- wait..." She narrowed her eyes, her lips curving into a smile. "Are we still talking about Twilight?"

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