Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Dinner with the family. There's a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

"That bitch Brittany did something bad to Veronica, I knew it." Julie spatted, curling the fork on her spaghetti. "Something was really off when we saw her with Toby last week. That's when I knew something was definitely up." Dad raised his eyebrow. "He's Veronica's boyfriend."

Dad slowly nodded, wiping his chin with a tissue. "Oh."

"As I was saying, I really thought Toby was cheating on Veronica." Julie grinned, stuffing her mouth with spaghetti.

"Was he?" I asked, trying not to sound so intrigued by the story.

She shook her head. "Brittany was just blackmailing him. Her and Veronica was having this bitch fight about some lame ex." And with that conclusion, Dad and I looked at each other and nodded in unison.


That's how dinner went tonight. It was nice like the ones Julie and I used to have. But with Dad added to the picture, I don't think nothing's changed. Well, except there's Dad's opinions sometimes in the matter. It was always like this, Julie does the talking while we were saying comments or ask certain questions about the topic.

The first night when we had dinner together, it was so quiet that I felt like I'm eating dinner with ghosts. Julie didn't talk. So to ease the tension, I asked Sandra to have dinner with us the next day. It did get my sister to talk, but the awkwardness was still there.

"I talked to Julie about spending some quality time with her Dad." Sandra told me when I walked her home.

"What if something bad happens?" 

"Trust me." She smiled, pinching my cheeks. "It's gonna work."

After a few weeks, everything went normal. Julie went back to her talkative self. It was like Dad was here with us these past few years. He told his office that he'd work the day shift so that he could eat dinner with us to keep up the family discussion we grew to love.

To express my gratitude, I ask Sandra to come and have dinner with us sometimes. But she's been busy with Justin, lately. Though she managed to sneak in a few hours to spend time with Julie and I, it still wasn't enough.

I guess my relationship's not the only one getting smoother.

"Tomorrow's your start of Christmas vacation, right?" We nodded. "So I was wondering if it's all right to invite the Bakers for Christmas eve. Is that okay with you?" Julie immediately nodded, knowing fully that Sandra would be there. I, however, gave him a two thumbs up.

"Great. I'll drop by tomorrow morning to tell them." Dad clapped his hands in delight. "You could bring someone over if you'd like."

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