Chapter 1

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Welcome to the sequel to 'The Dark Ways'. If you haven't already read that book, I would recommend reading that first, otherwise, you'd be really confused. If you've forgotten what D/N means (Because I've taken ages to release this) it stands for Dark name, but when reading you should read it as this:

But use your own name for this!

Example Name: Lilianne

Dark Name: Lilianti or Dilianne or whatever you want your Dark side to be called

Y/N went to the shop.

Lilianne went to the shop.

D/N went to the shop.

Lilanti went to the shop.

Now, Enjoy!

I sat staring at the pond, the gentle wind blowing the cold, harsh winter air into my face. I smiled at the almost fully grown ducks still following their mother, settling down in a heap to warm themselves up.

It's been almost 6 months and eight days since I last saw Mark, I couldn't bare to look at his or Jack's videos, and neither has Fae. It's been heartbreaking, we both thought we were in love with the men of our dreams, the men we, along with many others, watched for years, never thinking we would ever meet them, yet fall in love with them.

I let out a shaky sigh as I resisted the tears, it was only 7 pm but the moon gleamed down its silvery glare onto the ground below. I remembered when I was once scared to walk into my hallway at night, and now I don't have any fear as I'm alone in a dark park.

Fae and I continuously had to ask each other if what had happened was true, if we really did imagine it all, I had to question myself about my insanity. Did I really camp outside his house?

But what will always remain is my love for him, that is a solid reminder he was real, we were real. Now that I'm across the world from him I can't help but yearn for him. I have nightmares that result in me screaming in my sleep, my parents rushing into my room at four in the morning to check if I had been attacked, but it was just a nightmare. I want him back, I need him back in my life. He warmed my heart up, loved me, cared for me. I was a complete stranger when we first met, I could've been a murderer but he took care of me when I was randomly in his living room.

A crow flies over the pond, landing only a few meters away from me. I look up to meet with its beady black eyes, cocking my head as the crow does, wondering why it isn't scared of me. I dare to not move, watching as his spindly feet step forward, waiting to see if I'm about to do anything. But then it jumps onto my knee, again cocking its head wonderingly at me as I had. There is definitely something wrong with this bird, maybe it's domesticated. I reach my cold hand forward, a finger reaching out to the bird's wings. The crow almost nods in approval, nudging my hand to touch its feathers. A smile spreads onto my face as I continue to gently stroke the bird's silky feathers. It's almost ironic, a bird perceived as the bird as death has the softest feathers and the friendliest eyes.

"I wish I was you, sometimes." I look to the bird who stares back, as if waiting for me to continue, "I wish to just fly and spread my wings, not knowing exactly where to go. I want to get away from my burdens, I just want everything to be resolved."

I watch as the crow begins hopping up my arm, stopping on my shoulder as it tucks it's feet away, sitting down.

"Can I speak to you?" I ask, giving him as look, "I'll call you Crow with an e. Crowe."

Crowe let's out a small squawk in confirmation, and I let my feelings out. Talking about Mark, Dark, Jack and Anti. Talking to it as if it was written out clearly in my head. I talk about everything that happened and I don't miss out any details.

The local clock tower lets out twelve rings, signalling it's 12 am, "So, Crowe, you coming back to my place?"

- - -

I walk home, Crowe actually stayed, firmly sitting on my shoulder. As I was walking home I was stopped by Mrs Toughé, walking her spotted dog, she asked me what on earth was sitting on my shoulder and I explained how it was my domesticated pet crow, named Crowe. She didn't bat an eyelid as she walked away, not really caring. If Ms Jenklo knew, however, she would beat me to a pulp. She was the most annoying, bitchiest neighbour I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. She complained that the flowers in MY windowsill were dying, and demanded they be removed. She was lucky she said that to my dad, otherwise if she said that to my mum, she would have a right go at her.

That's when my mind trails to my mum and dad, I think my mother would be happy about it, since he's so domesticated, it's just my dad. When I pull my phone out to see it's 12:10, I see twenty six missed calls from my mother and fifteen texts. I quickly called her back, only a minute from home.

" Y/N !?!? Where in the bloody hell are you?" I couldn't help but try not to laugh at my mother's frantic voice, but I'm also petrified as memories of her yelling at me when I was young flash back to me.

"I'm fine, I'm thirty seconds away from home, I was stopped by Mrs Toughé and I didn't want to seem rude by cutting the conversation short." I slightly picked up the pace, my mother now had set a curfew for me, 'I am 24... I don't need a curfew', I had said. But after all the past events I couldn't argue, I was stalking someone in her eyes, I could never change that.

"Okay, just hurry up before I beat you." Her voice had lightened up, still a little frantic, though. I ended the call, slowing down again as I was approaching my home, when I was next to my car I took the bird off of my shoulder and held it in front of my face.

"You better behave, because if you don't, you'll soon get kicked out. Be. On. Your. Best. Behaviour..." I warned Crowe, turning him around so he faced away from me, cupped in my hands, leaning on my stomach.

I walk into my home, my mother standing in the hall, her eyes drawn to the bird, " Y/N I swear if that is another injured bird.."

"No! It's a domesticated one. I swear." I extend my hands out with the bird sitting down, "Put your hand out."

I watch with a huge grin as the bird hops onto her hand, walking up onto her arm, cocking its head as it sits on her shoulder, rubbing its head on hers, "Awe..."

"I know! He approached me at the park and was really friendly." I stroke his face as he stays on her shoulder, "He must be trained or something because he does everything I say, it's pretty cool."

My mum raises an eyebrow, almost to ask me if I was insane.

"Crowe, go to the fridge." I point to the fridge, the bird cocks his head a few times before flying off and going to sit in the small space where a cup goes to be filled with water or ice.

"See.... he's awesome." I laugh, probably for the first time in a few months. This seems to pull at the heart strings of my mother.

- - -

She allowed it, and so did my dad. They just hoped he- Oh yes. We found out the crow is a he after a few biology websites on deciphering the sex of crows. They hoped he wouldn't make a mess, and so far... he's been using the toilet. It's so unnatural, but after spending that time with Dark and Anti, I can't help but think this is a magical bird. Maybe a bird that used to belong to a witch, but flew away... Who knows...

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