Chapter 6: I'm A Diva?

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I laid on my couch drowning my sorrows in a carton of chocolate chip ice cream. I couldn't help but feel extremely sorry for myself. Forever alone is my motto.

"Honey, is everything okay?" My mom asked, leaning against the wall that divided the living room and kitchen.

"Everything's fine." I lied. "Just on my period." I have to say that was a pretty good lie. When I'm on my period I eat a lot of chocolate and lay around doing nothing.

"Oh." My mom laughed, clearly buying it. "Well I'm going out to lunch with Keisha. Call me if you need anything. And make sure your brothers and sister don't destroy anything."

I rolled my eyes. "Kay bye." I wasn't rolling my eyes about the brothers and sister part. It irritated me how much time she was spending with Ray's mom. This relationship isn't real. They're fantasizing over something that doesn't exist... and will never exist.

I frowned as I hit the bottom of my ice cream carton. On my days off I like to sit around and feel sorry for myself... How pathetic am I? I need a pet puppy or something... at least it will love me unconditionally and keep me company. I called Major, atleast he'll make me laugh.

"Yes Nique?" he said in his baby voice.

"Wanna hang out with me?" I pulled him onto my lap.

"No, I wanna play with my toys." And with that he ran away. The fuck?

I would call Bahja but she's hanging out with her boyfriend who is Daniel. The one Zoey was talking about the other day and they've been going out for 2 years. Honestly, they're the cutest couple I've ever seen but they just remind me of how terribly single I am. Technically I do have a boyfriend but I would return him if I could. Sadly, that's not an option.

There was a knock on my door. How dare someone come and make me get up? I wasn't expecting company. I lazily walked over to the front door, taking my sweet time. It couldn't be that important right? It was probably just a girl scout trying to sale cookies.... cookies sound so good right now. I eat when I'm depressed, if you haven't noticed. I swung the door open, finally reaching it. Ian and his friend Corahn stood in front of me grinning. Well I definitely wasn't expecting them to show up at my front door. Surely he told them about our encounter at Chipotle.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" I asked, pleasantly surprised. I always got along with Ian. Me and Corahn only shared a few words just to be nice towards each other. But they were the sweetest guys in the world.

"Just thought we'd drop by." Ian shrugged casually, flashing me an adorable smile.

Ian York was definitely a ladies man. He was tall and fit, just gorgeous. I moved aside to let them in. Obviously they didn't just stop by to visit, they had something to tell me. I braced myself for whatever it might be.

"So, what's up?" I asked, sitting on the couch and encouraging them to do the same.

"We wanted to catch up." Corahn explained. "It's been a while since we've hung out." That was true.

It's not that I didn't have time for them, It's just that I didn't have time to arrange plans. If they called me and wanted to go to lunch I'd be able to do that but ever since I've become famous, no one calls me. It's like they're afraid I've transformed into a diva. I can assure you I've stayed the same.

"What exactly did you want to catch up on?" I questioned suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. I sensed it had something to do with Zoey. What else would they want to talk about? It better not be for money, ooooh I swear.

"How's life?" Ian questioned innocently.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys obviously came here for a purpose, so let's hear it."

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