Chapter 23: Prep

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"Wake up sunshine!" Bahja yelled in my ear while hopping on top of me. I let out a muffled groan into my pillow. If I didn't love this girl I'd probably shoot her.

"What the hell Bahj?" I mumbled.

"Wake up!" She repeated, this time deciding to shake me. "You need to spend some quality time with your best friend."

I lifted my head to glare at her. "Its 8 am. Come see me in 2 hours."

"Nooo. I'm already here!" She whined like a child. I huffed and sat up.

"Fine. What do you want to do? I have a meeting about the publicity stunt in a few hours so you can't have me all day."

"Does that mean Ray's coming over?" Bahja asked, sitting criss cross on my bed.

I shrugged. "I don't know. He usually just shows up whenever."

"How cute." She grinned. Ever since Bahja found out I had actual feelings for Ray she's been trying to push me to tell him how I feel. I'm just not ready for that yet... I don't know if I'll ever be ready. "I can't believe my best friends in love." She smiled. I tensed up at her statement. Love... love terrifies me.

"I'm not in love with Ray." I choked out.

Bahja rolled her eyes. "Yes you are." The way she treated love as if it was no big deal was beyond me. Maybe because she's had the same boyfriend for over 2 years and they were basically made for each other. I guess love isn't as scary when the only experience you've had with it was a good one.

"No. I'm not." I defeneded.

She furrowed her eyebrow. "Why are you afraid to admit it...?" I didn't answer. Was I afraid? Definitely. I'm too stupid to know what love really is.

"I'm not." I lied.

Her frown grew. "Zonnique. You're scared... Why?" I didn't reply. "Does this have to do with Zoey?" She wondered with sad eyes. No reply.

"Nique.." She let out a deep sigh. We both know this conversation was way overdue. We just never knew how to deal with it. "I know he hurt you but don't you think it's time to move on? I mean, I moved on from Manny and he hurt me badly and I'm kinda glad he did cause he lead me to something better. Zoey's leading you to someone better and that someone is Ray. Rayan Lopez."

"Its easier said then done." I looked up at her.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" She asked softly.

"No." I answered instantly.

"Then what's the problem?" She wondered.

"That thing we had going on lasted over a year." I explained. "It's a little scary to think about loving someone after how badly that ended."

"Did you love Zoey?" She frowned.

"No." I answered. "I thought I did ... but it's clear now that I never did."

"Do you still think about him?" She asked carefully.

"No." I answered honestly. "Not when I'm with Ray."

Bahja lightly smiled but it slowly faded. "So then what's the problem? Why are you so afraid to fall for someone else?"

"I don't know." I groaned, rubbing my face in my hands. "I'm just screwed up."


~Ray's POV~

I pulled up to Nique's grandparents house and parked behind her car. YES FINALLY HER DAD BOUGHT HER A CAR!!

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