Chapter 16: Great Idea

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It's been a week since I've gotten the news about my grandpa's heart problems. Things weren't exactly easier but I was starting to deal with my issues instead of just sitting and crying all day. I've been staying at my grandparents house for the past week too. I hardly ever leave. Luckily Ray comes over daily. He usually spends the night here just in case I have a freak out in the middle of the night. On days that he doesn't sleep here, he'll show up in the morning and stay until he has to go to the studio. It means so much to me that he's constantly by my side. He doesn't have to be here but he chooses to. I couldn't name another guy who would do that for me if I tried.

"Look who's here." My grandma grinned as Ray walked into the kitchen.

"I smell pancakes." Ray grinned. He placed a kiss on my cheek before talking a seat beside me at the table. Just then my grandpa made his way in, taking a seat across from Ray and me.

"Good morning Grandpa." Ray grinned at him. Ray constantly had a smile on his face when he was here. He made things feel normal, with his bright personality and constant smiling. He lightened everyone's mood....even mine.

"How are you Ray?" My grandpa asked. Just like everyone else, he adored Ray.

"Great." Ray answered. "Have I told you how much I love it here?" He asked looking around.

"You mention it every time you're here." My grandma laughed, placing a stack of pancakes in front of all three of us.

"Good." Ray laughed, taking a bite out of his pancakes. "Because it's true." Even though things were easier when Ray was around, I was still in this funk. I didn't have much of an appetite and I avoided leaving the house at all costs... I can't remember the last time I genuinely laughed or smiled. For the most part, I was quiet. Except for when Ray and I were alone. Then I would talk to him tell him anything I wanted because I was that comfortable with him.

"Babe, Let's go do something today." Ray turned to me, observing me. I knew he was worried about me. And I know he wants to take care of me.

"Like what?" I asked, not wanting to say no before he even pitched the idea, but ultimately no would be the answer.

"I was thinking karaoke." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Ray. We both sing for a living. Why would we go out for karaoke?" I gave him a weird look.

"It was Daniels idea." He shrugged. Daniel was Bahja boyfriend. Remember?

Lately, him and Ray were teaming up to try to get us out of the house. Bahja was very close to my grandparents so she was taking this news just as hard as I was. Especially considering her grandparents had already passed away. Bahja and I haven't talked about it much. We're both a mess and are relying on our main boys to get us through it. I knew if I saw Bahja, I would break down again... and so would she. Besides the occasional text, we hardly talked. Although Ray and Daniel were basically becoming best friends. Bonding over the hardships of making Bahja and I feel better.

"Did Bahja agree to go?" I asked. Ray nodded.

"You should go." My grandma softly smiled. "You haven't gone out lately. You're keeping poor Ray locked in as well."

"Ray doesn't have to stay home with me." I muttered.

"But I chose to stay with you." He smiled and patted my head, walking over to the sink to wash his plate. He had already finished his breakfast and I had barely touched mine. But I wasn't hungry. I sat there as my grandparents also finished up their breakfast. My food was still untouched but it wasn't my fault that my appetite was non existent. Ray took a seat beside me as he messed around with his phone. He was probably waiting for me to finish my breakfast... I slowly stood up, trying not to gain his attention, and reached for my plate so I could toss out my perfectly uneaten pancakes.

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