Chapter 13

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Bumblebee's pov

I could feel my arm trembling as I struggled not to punch Brawn in the faceplate. He was, what you might call, making up for lost time.... Not as fun as you'd think it would be.... I was put on guard duty for him since I know him the best. And he won't. Shut. Up!

"You know, my uncle sent me a video of him ripping out your voice... It was hilarious. Your expression was just the best thing I'd ever seen. I really thought you'd died then... I guess not... Say, how does a loser like you end up winning the war for their team anyway? It doesn't add up..." he says with a smirk. My optics widen before dangerously narrowing.

"You have the next 5 seconds to SHUT UP or I will make you!" I growl, glaring at him. I was sending poisonous daggers at him with my optics and he was just madly smiling. I huff and turn away from him again.

"You know, the laws haven't been reset yet so you can't keep me in here. I technically haven't done anything illegal yet so... Can you let me out, please?" He asks and I just ignore him. He really is a descendant of Megatron... Frag. I think back to something we learned about just after the war...

When the darkness falls, a new one shall rise.

A descendant, of the great dark.

And the one who killed him, will perish.

And the new darkness will win...

So... We have our rising darkness... and... me. Well, scrap... Am I going to fragging die?! After everything I've been through... Nope. I am absolutely not dying to the servos of this pile of scrap! I turn around and look at Brawn. He's just smirking.

"What??" I growl. He just laughs slightly.

"You know, I'm stronger than you, right?" He says, unable to contain his pride and happiness that he might get a chance to finally get rid of me. I just shake my helm.

"Yeah, well, not all prophecies come true you know." I say. "Besides, while I was off fighting in the war, you were on the sidelines, watching as innocent lives were destroyed and taken. You stayed safe while I risked my life alongside others. And I won. So, I don't think you're much stronger than me." I say and his smile falters for a second before it returns.

"That doesn't mean anything. Have you ever heard of the term, "dumb luck"? Because that's the only reason you're still standing here." He says and I just turn away again. Why am I even talking to him? Suddenly, the door slides open and Bulk comes to take his shift as guard. I tell him anything he might want to know and goes back to where I was sitting. I walk out the door and head to go find Arcee.

Bulkhead's pov

Man, no wonder Bee hates this dude. He won't fragging shut up!

"Okay, okay... so, why did the cyber chicken cross the road? To get to the idiot's house! Knock knock?" He says and I just ignore him.

"Oh come on you big lug! Say who's there!" He pleads and I sigh.

"Who's there?" I growl in a low and exasperated tone.

"The cyber chicken!" He laughs and I face servo. Suddenly, I hear something smash and realize I've been hit in the helm. I fall over and the last thing I hear before blacking out was the sound of a cell deactivating...

~10 minutes later~

Bumblebee's pov

I walk into the cell room to check on Bulkhead and find him unconscious on the floor. And the cell he was guarding is empty. I feel my spark sink to the bottom of my pedes and I begin to panic slightly. Brawn is gone... FRAG! I shake Bulkhead as violently as I can. He wakes up and sits up really quickly.

"What happened?" He asks and my optics widen.

"That's what I was going to ask you..." I growl and he looks behind him.

"Brawn's out... isn't he?" He asks and I narrow my optics and shake my helm. I stand up and storm out, looking to find Brawn before he finds me... I turn a corner and bump into someone and immediately activate my cannons. The bot steps back, quite startled. I realize it's just Ratchet and I put them away.

"Sorry Ratch... Brawn got out and I guess I'm just a little jumpy..." I say and he looks concerned. I sigh and explain my situation and he nods his helm.

"Well, I can try and track his signal... he might still be in the building somewhere if he wants you dead..." he says and my optics widen slightly.

"Well, that was not morbid at all... but yeah, he's probably still in the building. Let's go." I say and we head to the medbay where he'll be able to track Brawn if he's still in the building. He goes onto his computer and we look at all the signals in the building. We search for Brawn but there's no sight of him anywhere... Just as we're about to turn the computer off, his signal appears. And it says that he's right above us...

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