Chapter 9

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Bumblebee's POV

As my optics slowly begin to online again, I notice I'm no longer on the roof of the police station. Someone moved me back into mine and Arcee's berth room. It was probably her. I roll onto my side to see her laying there, recharging peacefully next to me. I smile and snuggle closer to her, trying very carefully not to wake her. I wrap my arms around her and suddenly feel something on her. It seems like her frame around her abdomen region has a slight bump. I begin to worry for her. What if she's ill? I don't want to lose her... She must have felt my worry through our bond because suddenly she comes out of recharge.

"Bee? What's wrong, is everything okay?" She asks me. I look at her with worry in my optics.

"Are you sick?" I ask. She looks at me confused then looks down to where I'm holding her. "There's a lump on you, are you sick?" I ask again. She just smiles and rolls her optics at me. I furrow my optic ridges in confusion.

"What? Why are you laughing? Are these symptoms?" I ask, starting to worry more. She stops laughing and looks at me.

"Bumblebee, I'm not sick. You just worry too much." She says. I sigh, then pause.

"Then why does your frame not have the right shape anymore?" I ask. She smiles and rolls over to face me.

"Bumblebee, I didn't get a chance to tell you this last night but, I'm sparked." She says. I can feel my optics widen to their fullest extent and the smile that forms on my faceplate must have been so big that I probably looked like an idiot.

"Ohmyprimusreally?!" It all comes out in an excited blur of words. She just nods her head and now it's my turn to laugh slightly. Oh wow, Arcee and I are having a sparkling! This is great! I'm not even sure that words can describe how excited I am right now. I look at her and suddenly I'm going in for a kiss. We break off after a moment and just cuddle up next to each other. I turn my helm slightly to look at her. This is great. Then I think for a moment.

"Cee, how, when, and are we going to tell the others?" I ask. She looks at me.

"Well, Ratchet already knows since he's the medic. The others... We could tell them today, maybe over lunch or something?" She responds. I nod my helm and just lay back down next to her. It's moments like these that I wish would never end. Then I remember something else.

"We've got to tell Jack and Raf!" I exclaim. She looks up at me and smiles.

"It sure would be nice to talk to Jack again... I wonder how he's doing." She says. I nod my helm in agreement. I've been wanting to talk to Raf for a while now but I've been so busy with helping to rebuild Cybertron I haven't gotten much of a chance lately. We get out of bed and head over to the screen that we have in our room. Last time I called Raf, I was telling him in secret that I was hoping to ask Arcee to be my sparkmate. That was at least an earth month or two ago. We turn on the video chat that we'd set up and call earth.

"This is Special Agent William Fowler speaking. What do you want?" He asks, for some reason faced away from the screen. So he doesn't know it's us. I look at Arcee and smile.

"Boo!" I say with absolutely no emotion at all. He suddenly turns around and a small grin creeps up onto his face.

"Bumblebee, Arcee. I- I didn't realize it was you. Sorry about snapping at you." He says, a sheepish smile now replacing his grin. Arcee rolls her optics.

"It's fine agent Fowler." She says trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, it was nice to hear you snapping at us again." I laugh. Now it's his turn to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah... Let me guess. Raf and Jack?" He asks. We nod our helms.

"Congratulations, you've won the wheel of... Torture, was it?" I ask trying to make a joke but instead forgetting the word.

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