Chapter 11

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Bumblebee's POV

I stared, optics wide at the one bot I used to hate as a sparkling. Other than Lockdown of course...

"Brawn, what the hell?! What did I do to you?! And where did you get the predacon wings from?!" I ask. He just laughs.

"Well, obviously, I slayed a predacon and then attached his wings to my back. Now I can fly. And why am I doing this to you? Well, you killed my uncle. So, I'm going to kill you. That's why I pushed you off the building. But you survived so I thought if I could get you in here alone, to come save your sad excuse for a family, I could get you then... But you brought your little friends along." He explains. Okay, my head hurts. His uncle? Seriously, I killed so many cons during the war, why would it even matter. I probably never even knew this bot!

"Okay seriously, your uncle? I'm sorry for your loss but that's what war does. I probably didn't even know it was him cause I'd never fragging met him!" I yell at him. He just shakes his helm while laughing.

"Funny you should say that because you did know him actually. You knew him quite well and I know you had a pretty big grudge against him..." He says. I just stare at him. What the frag is going on, why is my life so screwed up?!

"You know what, I've had enough playing games with you. You're wasting my time and your time too. So either you just tell me who I killed or let us go. It's not worth it." I say. He just rolls his optics.

"Fine, I'll tell you. My uncles designation, was Megatron." He says. My optics widen to their fullest extent and I've reverted back to being speechless.

"Really? And what makes you think I'm going to believe that?!" I snap once I regain my voice. He thinks for a moment. He then walks up to Ratchet.

"You can do energon testing right? And tell me if I'm related to Megatron?" He asks and Ratchet just nods. "Good. Do it. Now." He orders. Ratchet narrows his optics at him. He looks towards me and I just shrug. He turns back to Brawn.

"Do you have an energon sampling of Megatron with you?" Ratchet smirks. Brawn furrows his optic ridges.

"No..." he says. Ratchet's smirk widens. "Then I'm afraid I won't be able to tell if you're related to Megatron. I need your energon and his." He states. Brawn growls, obviously pissed he can't prove us wrong. I roll my optics, I'm tired of dealing with this glitch. I walk up to him and punch him on the back of the helm as hard as I can and he collapses.

"Dude, what gives?" Smokescreen blurts out.

"I'm tired of his bullshit." I say and begin dragging him out of his hiding hole.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa what are you doing?!" Bulkhead asks as if I'm about to go murder him.

"I'm taking him back to the station... Duh! What did you think I was going to do, throw him off a cliff? I don't typically sink that low when my opponent is unconscious." I explain as if it was the simplest answer in the world. They all just nod, deciding that my answer probably made a lot of sense. Once we arrive back at the station, I toss Brawn into a cell and lock it. Arcee comes in and looks at our new prisoner.

"So, I see you got your family back. All of them." She says as I roll my optics. "Who's this?" She asks. I look at her.

"The con who pushed me off the building and who, obviously took my family. You know why? Cause he wants me dead, because I supposedly killed his uncle. I've known this bot for a long time actually... He says that his uncle is Megatron but I don't believe him. I don't think we have anyway to test it either since we don't have an energon sample from Megatron..." I ramble on. Arcee puts her servos on my shoulder plates.

"You're stressing. Calm down. His do you know him?" She asks.

"We went to and academy together. Let's just say that we didn't get along very well..." I say. Suddenly, my mind flashes back to something he once told me.


"You know, one day my Uncle is going to rule Cybertron! If you don't follow in his path, you'll become one of his mindless slaves. Son the planet will either be under his control or up in flames!" Brawn boasts. I just stare at him blankly.

"Yeah right!" I yell as I continue to ride my hover bike down the street.

End of memory

I blink a few times. Arcee is waving her servos in my face.

"Hello? Bumblebee! Why did you space out like that?" She asks. I blink again. Maybe he isn't lying... Well, scrap that is not good...

"Arcee, suddenly I'm starting to think that he's not lying about Megatron being his uncle..." I hesitantly say. She looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Bumblebee really? You're going to believe him? What has gotten into you?" She asks.

"A memory of him telling me about his uncle. He said that his uncle would soon rule Cybertron and anyone who didn't follow him would become his slaves. Basically, either the planet would be under his control or it would go up in flames... And all that stuff actually happened so... There's a possibility. I didn't say that I fully believe him, just a little..." I explain. She nods her helm.

"Well, that explanation makes sense so... I'm just worried that you're right..." she says. I nod my helm in agreement.

"Yeah, me too..." I say. I just hope that for once in my life time something isn't screwed up and that I'm wrong. But, my life does seem to have a habit of getting screwed up in one way or another so I don't know... Primus only knows what's coming next...

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