Chapter 2

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Stinger's POV

Honeybee and I watched as our young sparkling stormed off. He's a lot angrier than I had anticipated. "Oh, Stinger... What do we do? I don't want him to hate us or be mad at us forever." She says. I notice there are a lot of bots glaring at us. I glare back. "Come on, I have an idea." I say. I pull her across the sidewalk. "Stinger, what are you doing?" She asks me. A smile spreads across my face. "Well, I thought, maybe if we did something really thoughtful for him he might realize we really do love him and that we had made an error." I say as we walk into a computer shop.

Arcee's POV

I watch as Bumblebee storms past me into the control room. He looks mad. Maybe I should go check on him... I walk towards the control room as Ratchet walks out. As I walk in I see Bee slam his helm against his desk. Oh dear. Apparently finding your abandoned Sparkling about 18,00 stellar cycles after you left them, is a bad idea. I'll keep that in mind. I walk over to Bumblebee who's still got his helm against the desk. I decide to tug at our bond so I don't startle him. He looks up with a sad/angry/confused expression. "Are you okay?" I ask. I kinda already know the answer but it's nice to ask anyway. "I'm fine." He grumbles as he places his helm back down on the desk. "Want to talk about it Bee?" I ask. He just looks up at me, glares, and puts his helm back down. I don't care if he doesn't want to talk, I'm going to talk with him. I grab the chair he's sitting on and I drag it to a private room. "Bumblebee, look at me please." I say. He slowly lifts his helm up. "What?" He snaps. I sigh. This is going to be hard. First of all, he's always caring about others. I'm not even sure if he's ever really cared about himself. So he's always the one to try and comfort someone. I don't think he's ever let someone comfort him before. So I'll have trouble convincing him to just let me help. "Don't snap at me." I say. "Now, what's wrong? What happened?" I ask as I pull up a chair for myself. He looks at me and I can see his optics are lubricating. I don't think I've ever see him this hurt by anyone or anything. He starts to shake and I realize that he probably can't hold any tears back anymore. I pull my chair closer to him and hug him as he begins to cry. He's never even come close to crying before, I actually don't know what to say or do. He hugs me back, tightly. He goes for maybe 10 minutes before he can actually talk again without breaking down all over again. "They just left me... They left me and when they come back, they just expect everything to be fine. Arcee, they practically said I was a mistake! And then after they left me, the bot who found me... I hated him. You want to know why I'm never scared of anything? Because whenever I would wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream when I was younger, I had no one to go to. The bot who took care of me only kept me so he wouldn't have to go to jail every time he did something wrong. He'd just blame it on me. If I woke up from a bad dream I had to suck it up because what he'd do to me if I woke him up was even scarier. And who's fault is that? My creators!" He starts to cry again. Wow... I never realized how bad Bee's life was before the war. And even then it wasn't great. "Bumblebee, how are you always so happy then if, if all this happened to you?" I ask softly. He smiles slightly there. "Because," he starts, "I didn't want anyone to feel the same way I did. I wanted to make everyone happy and well, everyone I met during the war kept me happy too." That last part made me think of Jack, Raf and Miko. After that, I find a way to cheer up Bumblebee for the rest of the day. We have fun going to prank Ultra-Magnus, getting a wrench thrown at us by Ratchet and scaring Bulkhead (the funniest part is that he screams like a femme). By the end of the day he's laughing and joking as if what had happened earlier never did happen. Ratchet walks up to us as we all tell funny stories from the war. "You're looking better." He says to Bee. He looks up at Ratchet with one of the widest smiles I've ever seen on his faceplate. "Yeah, I feel better too. All thanks to Arcee." He says nodding his helm towards me. I smile a little. I guess I helped a lot more than I thought. To my surprise, Ratchet decides to sit down with us and tell stories as well. That night, we all recharge as peacefully as possible. Well, most of us anyway...


A/N: okay so, I'm not usually one to make authors note's so, all I really have to say is that I'm sorry this chapter was a bit shorter. My brain juices weren't flowing enough to finish it. I hope you're all enjoying so far! By the way, if any of you are reading my other book Transformed, I'd like to thank you all for the votes and reads. That's one of the main reason I continue to write that story. So, yeah... *awkwardly slides away*

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