Chapter 6

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Arcee's POV

As Bee falls from the top of the building my spark stops. Everything seems to go in slow motion. It's like watching him fall into that pool of cyber matter before he killed Megatron all over again. Suddenly, a terrible pain comes to my frame as he hits the ground. The gathering crowd screams as he slams into the ground, and I loose my balance as my helm feels a devastatingly terrible pain along with my legs and around where Bee's car doors are. My chassis was already sore from something that happened on top of the building. I start to hyperventilate as my bond with Bee slowly starts to go numb. I shakily get to my feet and get over to where he is as quickly as I can. His creators are already there, crying over what they think is his dead body, which isn't. Yet. I can't find Ratchet and realize he stayed behind. I move the cross away from him and comm Ratchet for a bridge. I also warn him to set up the med bay as quickly as possible. As soon as the bridge opens, we run through with Bee who is fading quick. His helm is leaking energon. A lot of it too. His doors are cracked, bent and twisted, his leg looks pretty bad and his chassis is all cracked. The bond is slowly getting more numb. As soon as we exit the ground bridge, Ratchet comes over to us and his expression changes from slightly worried, to sickeningly worried and shocked. Very shocked. "We're loosing him fast." I say, worry very clear in my voice. He takes Bee from us and lays him on the berth. He then shoos everyone away and gets to work. I hope he can help Bee. That was a pretty hard fall. Never in my life have I never seen Ratchet so shocked and worried that he didn't bother asking what happened. And that scares me.

Bumblebee's POV

As my optics begin to flicker on, I can hear a faint beeping in my audio receptors. Then, a huge wave of pain washes over me. I grunt as I look at my surroundings. I'm in the med bay, but Ratchet is nowhere to be seen. I wonder where he went... Suddenly, as if on cue, Ratchet walks into the med bay to find that I'm awake. As I try to sit up, he gently pushes me back down. "Bumblebee, your body needs time to recover before you try to sit up let alone do anything active." He says to me. Wait, what happened? "Ratchet... What happened to me?" I ask. He furrows his optic brows in confusion. "Wait, you don't remember? I had been hoping you could answer that same question..." He says. Oh no... Did I lose my memories? At least, the important ones anyways... I hope not. Just then, Arcee walks in. (Good, I remember her name!). I feel a huge wave of relief wash over me as I remember we're bonded. She walks up to me and hugs me. "Bee, you almost died!" She says as she releases me from the embrace. Then she slaps me. "Don't do it again!" She says. I just smile. Well, at least I was missed. "Arcee," Ratchet calls, "what happened to Bumblebee?" He asks. She furrows her optic ridges. "Why don't you just ask him?" She responds. Ratchet just shakes his helm. " I already tried. He doesn't remember." He simply says. I nod my helm, wanting to know what happened to me. She looks a little worried now. "Well," she starts, "3 days ago, we were on a mission. Of course Ratchet should know this part. Bee, you and I left to go stop a decepticon attack in Kaon. You helped a sparkling out of the burning building but when you did, you knocked out a pretty mean looking con. When you both got out of the building, the con flew down and took you to the top of the building. You guys were fighting and suddenly your helm was hanging over the edge of the building. It looks like the con cracked your chassis. You pushed him off and as you say up, he pushed you off the building and you fell to the ground which is how you got the rest of your injuries. You hit your helm pretty hard so that's why you can't remember anything." She finishes. Holy. Scrap. That happened to me?! "Arcee, how high did he fall from?" Ratchet asks. She looks down. "About 25 storeys." She says. WHAT?!???!! How am I not dead?!?!?! "Um, sorry but why am I not dead yet?" I ask. They look at each other, then at me. "Arcee and the others brought you here really fast. And since you hadn't died on contact, but rather slowly fading away, I got the chance to repair you." Ratchet answers. Holy frag... That happened?! That actually all happened to me... Thank Primus I'm still alive. "Hey Ratch, do I need to stay here for a while?" I ask referring to the med bay. He nods. "Hey I need to go now. I've got some work to do." Arcee says. I nod as she walks towards me. We quickly kiss and she leaves. I hear a few faint voices outside the room and suddenly two bots burst through the door. The next thing I know, two bots are squeezing the life that just returned to me, back out of my body. "Oh, Bumblebee!! We thought you were dead! Don't do that again! In fact, we don't think you should fight anymore, it's a safety hazard!" I can hear my carrier say. At the same time, I can also hear the beeping of the machine I'm hooked up to increase as my stress levels rise. I look to Ratchet for help and he just smiles and shakes his head. "You guys really shouldn't put Bumblebee under too much stress, he is trying to recover after all." He says. They both let go and I catch a glimpse of Ratchet winking at me. I smile. Then I turn to them. "What do you want?" I ask with a flat voice. They look at each other, then to me. "We wanted to make sure that you're okay. We saw you fall and it was horrifying. We thought you died." My sire explained. My expression was pretty flat as I said "well, as you can see I'm okay. You can leave now." They look slightly hurt but I couldn't care less. I'm still mad at them. They look to Ratchet for help, obviously unsure what to do about my attitude. He just shrugs and says "he's not my sparkling, he's yours. I'm just his doctor. I shouldn't be butting in to your "family" business." I try not to laugh at that cause right now Ratchet is being awesome. They look back at me. "But you've known him for almost his whole life so far! Can you not help us at all?" My sire begs. Ratchet looks at me then back at them. "Well... Give him some space and time to recover from his injuries, internal and external, and maybe he'll be a little less... Sassy towards you." He says. I give him a playful glare as they of their heads, hug me one last time and leave. I sigh in relief. "Ratch, you betrayed me!" I whine. He just rolls his optics. "You really should at least try to be nice to them you know." He says. I just laugh. "Good one Ratchimo, good one." I say. He shoots a glare in my direction. "Don't call me that. Just because you're injured doesn't mean I won't throw this..." He says as he holds up a wrench. Now it's my turn to roll my optics. "No prob... Ratchimo." I say. Let's just say that after that, I gained yet another dent on my damaged frame.

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