Chapter 3

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3rd person/dream POV

Dream sequence: A single sound could be heard in the night. The cries of a young sparkling, suffering from a bad dream. He awoke with a start. His paint job was yellow and black and his car doors served as little wings. His big, round eyes, the colour of teal. He sat there, in the darkness, looking around the room frantically. He'd had another bad dream about the bot who took care of him. He didn't live with his creators. In fact, he doesn't even know where they are or what happened to them. The bot he does live with though, is Lockdown. Lockdown, is a decepticon. And the only reason he took the young sparkling in was to make him work, and to have an excuse for his crimes. The young sparkling began to silently cry, knowing that if he woke Lockdown from his recharge, he'd have more scratches and painful limbs than ever before. Apparently, he wasn't quiet enough though. The door to his berth room opened suddenly and a very angry and tired looking Lockdown entered. The young sparkling immediately stopped crying and sat up straight, nothing but fear in his sad little optics. "You've woken me up..." He growled. The sparkling who was about 7 vorns old at the time, shrunk back in fear at Lockdown's tone. "I-I'm s-sorry..." He stammered, although he knew it was pointless. The older mech just growled and pulled out a prod. "I do not appreciate being woken up at this time of night..." He growled as he switched the prod on. The sparkling watched as a blue light appeared at the tip of the prod and began to whimper. Lockdown then jabbed the prod at the sparkling's side and electrocuted him. Lockdown held it there until the sparkling's side was burnt and black. He then got up and returned to his own berth room, leaving the younger one in pain...


Bumblebee's POV

I awoke with a start. My breathing was heavier than normal and I felt sick. This is the first time in forever that I've not woken up because of my continuous dream about Megatron, so, that's good. But, what isn't good, is why I'm awake. My dream, it... Actually happened. That was a horrible memory, from a long time ago. Actually, about a day before the war started, but still... I remember it all too well. Why am I dreaming about all this now though? Ugh, the past day has been a bit too stressful. Everything happened so suddenly. It's like suddenly, my life doesn't want me to be happy anymore. And it's all their fault. If they hadn't abandoned me, I wouldn't have woken up from that dream. Or, if they had just stayed away from me, that would've worked too. But NOOOOOO they just HAD to come find me. And now, I can't sleep. Not like I ever could before *cough* Megatron *cough* but, now that I think about it, those dreams were nothing compared to this... I try to just go back to sleep but it doesn't work. So instead, I decide to go for a drive. As I exit the building and step into the cool night air of Cybertron, ah how I missed this, I sense someone watching me. I turn around to find Arcee, standing in the doorway. "Nice night, isn't it?" She asks. I just nod my head. She walks up to me and hugs me. "Why don't we sit down?" She says. We climb a little hill and sit up there, with a nice view of Kaon. I exhale a huge breath, knowing she's going to ask what's wrong. So, instead of letting her ask, I just start talking. I tell her all about the dream and other things I remember from my past, things I'm not sure I would've even trusted with Optimus. Which is saying a lot. When the war started the loneliness I felt inside of me got even worse. Then I met Ironhide, my best friend during the war. But then I was questioned by Megatron. When I lost my voice I had been moved to Optimus Prime's unit, which consisted of the bravest, strongest and most loyal Autobots on our planet. When Ironhide wasn't there, Optimus became the kind of bot I'd want to consider as a father. I looked up to him for like, the rest of my life and even though he's gone, I still do. Arcee sat in silence for a few minutes as she processed everything I just told her. She looked a little angry. I also saw a bit of pity in her optics. "Arcee, please. I don't want anyone to pity me or feel bad. I'm fine now, right? Isn't that all that matters right now?" I say to her. I really don't want anyone to feel bad for me. I've dealt with a lot of that before and I hated it. Arcee just gave me a blank look. "Bumblebee, how can I not? After all that's happened to you in your life, first: everything you just told me. Second: your voice and then you die and come back to life almost right away. Third: your creators pop up in your life expecting you to just forgive them and be happy again which then reminds you of everything you just told me! I'm going to feel bad for you whether you like it or not." She says. I just stare at her. "Fine. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone what I just told you and leave the raging at my creators to me. That'll only happen if they're stupid though cause I told them to never come near me again..." I trail off. Arcee is just giving me a look I can't stand. "One more rule," I start, "if you're going to pity me, please don't look at me with sad optics. It's weird." I finish. We both look at each other and burst out laughing. I'm not really sure why though. But what I do know is that now that I've spoken to Arcee, I'm feeling a bit better. I think it's the first time I've smiled for real today. Man, I love that femme. Sometimes I think I might go crazy if she weren't here to keep my sanity levels in check.

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