Chapter 17

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Months are passing and things start to get weird here in District 10, Peacekeepers are coming back now in steady numbers. Four came yesterday. They patrol our district and keep us in line. I remember getting told we wouldn't need Peacekeepers because there is no Capitol. So why are they coming back?


Madge is huge now, being nearly eight months along. She struggles more now and needs much more rest.

"Madge? Princess, you need to get up. The baby shower will be in a few minutes." I whisper into the sleeping Madge's ear.

Our friends are coming from different districts. There are a few from 1, 3, 4, 7 and 12. Katniss and Peeta will be here too.

I don't know how I feel about Katniss visiting, I guess, I have to see her sometime soon. Whenever I think of Katniss, all that comes back is the heartbroken face as she saw Prim die. Her braid, her light freckles, her smell, I miss it all. I miss my best friend.

"I'm up Gale." Madge whispers, breaking me from my trance.

I help Madge into the siting position before she groans.

"What's wrong?"

She begins to giggle and cry at the same time.


Madge pulls my hands onto her enlarged stomach and I rest them gently. I feel movement beneath my hands.

"That's our baby in there." Madge whispers.

And that sets me off. I never really cry. I've only cried a few times but seeing where I am now breaks me. I never thought I'd be engaged with a child on the way. I would never have guessed it.

But I love it.

"It's perfect, Madge!" I cry and I kiss her on the lips.

This kiss is like the first on the hay bale. It's full of hope, lust, trust and love.

"Come on, we have a baby shower to get to!" I whisper.

I help Madge up and get her changed into a beautiful black pregnancy dress. I get changed into a black suit and I help Madge down the stairs.

We are greeted by friends and family. There is Haymitch and Effie with their child, Finn. There is Katniss and Peeta. Beetee. Johanna and husband Thom and their new born child, Cherry. Cherry will have just turned a month old. Thom was a good friend of mine too, when I used to work in the mines back in District 12. January, who is the mayor of district one's daughter. Annie and her son Finnick Junior. Violetta and Juniper, who are Madge's friends.

"Don't you two look beautiful!" Effie states.

Effie runs up to me and gives me a peck on the cheek and gives Madge a huge cuddle. Haymitch and their two year old son follow. Haymitch has Finn on his hip and wraps an arm around Effie's waist. I remember the first time I saw Haymitch, dead drunk to the world and Effie was as fake as fake could be. It's changed now. Haymitch is sober. Period. Effie doesn't dress like she uses too. Her fake wigs are gone, makeup kept at a minimal and her clothes are ordinary. Finn looks just like his father, with baby blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Thank you Effie. And don't you three look well!" Madge says as she rubs Finn's cheek.

"Thanks there Madge." Haymitch begins. "Our present is in the entrance."

"Thank you." I say and shake his hand.

"No problem and we wish you the best!" Effie walks back to the settee.

"Madge!" January, Violetta and Juniper say all at once.

"Hello, ladies." I say.

"Hey, Gale!"

"Don't you two look as pretty as a picture!" Violetta shrieks.

"Speaking of pictures," January begins.

"Here is out present!" Juniper finishes.

They hand us a huge wrapped present which Madge opens. It contains small pictures of everyone to make a collage.

"Thank you so much!" I reply.

Madge kisses each of them on the cheek before they rush out because they had a meeting to attend. Haymitch, Effie and Finn also had to leave to get to the Capitol because it was Effie's mum's birthday.


About three hours go by and all who are left are Madge and I and Katniss and Peeta.

"Katniss..." Madge chokes. Tears are streaming down her face and her eyes are full of hope.

"Oh Madge! I thought I'd never see you again!" Katniss begins crying.

I awkwardly begin to shuffle before I walk over to Peeta.

"Congratulations Gale." He says.

"Thank you Peeta."

"I'll take good care of her you know." He says nodding towards Katniss with loved filled eyes.

"I know." I whisper.

"I love how close you were and I never wanted to step between that or anything." He says.

"This isn't always about you Peeta!" I snap.

"Gale... I..."

"No Peeta. It was because of that bomb-!" I scream.

"Stop!" Peeta warns but I take no note. I don't even notice that Katniss and Madge have stopped what they are doing to listen.

"That killed Prim!"

Katniss looks up at me and begins to shake. Her hands reach behind her to grab her bow which isn't there.

"Katniss, no." Peeta says gently, trying to break Katniss out of her trance she seems to be stuck in.

"Peeta!" And Katniss breaks.

She collapses and cries. Her sobs are heavy and sorrow filled. Peeta runs over to catch Katniss' head before it slams to the floor. He brushes her hair away from her face and kisses her forehead repeatedly, whispering things that slowly make her more aware.

"I'm sorry Madge," Peeta says before carrying Katniss bridal style, she nuzzles into his chest and he holds her close.

Madge nods and watch them leave before she runs over to me.

"Gale. It isn't your fault, listen to me." She says as a few silent tears drip down my face.

"I know." I whisper before kissing her which takes Madge slightly by surprise.


The rest of the night is uneventful and sleep swallow us both up whole.

(Authors note - why hey! There are only a few more chapter left:( I loved writing this and I was thinking about writing another Hunger Games fan fiction. Maybe on Haymitch and Effie or Johanna and Thom. For those wondering who Thom actually is, he is one of Gale's mining friends who actually talks to Katniss at one point in the trilogy. Maybe some feedback on what my next fan fiction should be.)

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