Chapter 3

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We didn't go back to Madge's house, we stayed at the farm. We slept on the hay bales. Madge was in my arms all night. I felt the happiest I had ever been. I wanted this moment to stay forever. Just to freeze it and live in this moment.

I wake up, but Madge is still sleeping. My sleeping beauty. Her golden hair is spread out on my chest, I begin curling a lock of her hair around my finger when she wakes.

"Gale. What are you doing?" Madge giggles.

"Nothing really, waiting for my Sleeping Beauty to wake up." I reply still fumbling with her lock of hair in my hands.

"Well, I'm up now!" Madge laughs.

"Good." I giggle and plant a quick kiss on her forehead. "Any plans for today?"

"Well, we better go to my foster parents and show them you! You'll love them Gale, I just know it." Madge gets up, stretches and pulls me up onto my feet.

We walk down the cobbled path of District 10, cows mooing in the distance. I stifle a laugh as the mooing continues.

"What?" Madge asks, confusion flooding her face.

"The cows." I don't hold back any longer, I roar with laughter.

"They're just cows Gale." Madge pulls a face but laughs anyway.

"I know but, they're funny! I'm use to noises like machinery and pick-axes not cows!" I explain.

"I was like that too, they are kind of funny." Madge stops at a lilac picket fence, pushes the gate slightly and it swings open. "This is it, Gale. This is where my foster family live. The man is called Zen and the woman is called Delia."

I release Madge from my grip and wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. I slip my arm round Madge as we walk to the huge oak front door. Madge nods towards the door and I reach out and tap on it lightly.

"Come in!" I hear from inside. I turn the brass handle and the door swings open, creaking slightly.

We walk down the corridor of the house and we reach a small black and white kitchen.

"Zen, Delia, this is Gale. He's a good friend from back 12." Madge says with a wary edge to her voice.

Zen holds out his hand and I gratefully shake it. Delia pulls me in for a hug so I let go of Madge quickly before she gets squashed in the middle.

"Come on, we better get to the market to get us a house." I say while Madge squeals in excitement.

The One For Me - Gale and Madge FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin