Chapter 13

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I wake up with bright sunlight streaming into my eyes. I blink a few times before my eyes land on Madge. She's still in Dreamland. She looks so young and peaceful in sleep. Her feet are curled into each other, her head on my chest and her hands gently clasp at her stomach. She stirs after a couple of minutes.

"Breakfast?" She mumbles into my crumpled shirt.

"Sure," I say. "Let's go."

I pick Madge up bridal style and carry her gently down the stairs. Madge has grabbed our blankets from our bed and it rests in her delicate arms.

I let Madge climb out of my arms and onto the settee. She climbs down ad cuddles into the crook of the 'L' shaped settee. I wrap the blanket round her and kiss her forehead, before walking into the kitchen.

"What do you want Madge?" I call out while getting the kettle ready for some tea.

"Maybe just some toast, I'm not feeling to good!" She calls back in a raspy voice.

This makes me stop. Back in District 12, when a person was ill they don't usually recover. I shouldn't worry like this but when you have had your family to look after for years, you always think the worst.

I drop the mug I was holding and run straight into the living room.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah." She gives a small nod.


"I promise." She smiles a little.

"Give me two minutes and I will be back here."

I run to kitchen, and straight to the toaster. I step round the broken ceramic and make toast faster than you can say 'districts'.

I jog back to Madge and give her, her toast.

She takes a bite. She swallows. Not two seconds after, Madge rips the blanket from her body and jumps up. She runs in the direction of the bathroom.

I follow her.

When I finally catch up to Madge, she is knelt over the toilet.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's going to be okay. You're okay. You're safe. I've got you." I say while rubbing Madge's back and holding her hair away from her face.

Madge is over the toilet for at least another five minutes.

She leans back against the bath tub and I wipe her mouth with a tissue. I hold her gently in my arms while a few tears escape her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry." I say and pull her closer.

She just sniffles a little bit.

"Let's get you to bed."

Madge nods and I help her onto her feet. I carry her up the stairs and lie her gently on the bed. I get out the spare blanket because I don't want to leave Madge alone to get ours from downstairs.

I sit with Madge in my arms and I rub her thigh while she begins to drift off, still sniffling a little bit.

(Hello! Wow, well this week I hit 1000 reads!:o So I thought, early upload! This chapter is short but that's because the next chapter will be in Madge's point of view, so I felt the story needed a little filling before going straight to Madge. Keep up the votes and comments:) Thank you:))

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