Chapter 16

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Everything is brighter. Our news has made everything brighter. The hoots of owls is calming and the buzz of the crickets is peaceful.

Madge and I reach Delia's. I knock on the door.

"You ready?" I ask Madge.

"No, you?" She laughs nervously.

"Nope." I manage a giggle.

The door opens and Zen is stood inside.

"Hello you two!" He beams.

"Hello, daddy!" Madge kisses Zen on his forehead.

It's beautiful how much Madge loves her step parents.

They are a real family.

That's what Madge had always dreamed of. A mother who took notice of her, a father who played with her more than once in a while.

She has that here. I can not thank Delia and Zen enough for that.

"Can we come in?" She asks rubbing her gloved hands against mine.

"You don't need to ask that, Madge. Just push past him." Delia shouts from the kitchen.

"Thanks, mum!"

Madge drags me towards the kitchen. We sit at the table. Madge and me at one side and Delia and Zen at the other.

"Something you want?" Delia asks.

I nudge Madge who takes in a sharp breath and her hand squeezes mine.

"Yeah. There is actually."

"Spit it out love!" Zen says which earns him a slap round the head with Delia's kitchen towel.

I nudge Madge's leg with my own and her hands has a death grip on mine.

"I'm pregnant!" She squeals.

"Baby! That's perfect!" Delia cries while Zen goes off in search of a bottle of champagne.

"Zen! she can't drink that! She's pregnant!" Delia chastises.

Zen huffs and fills Madge's glass up with water instead.

"To my beautiful daughter and our son in law! Can't wait to see the beautiful baby!" Delia says.

That sets us all off.


We walk home from Delia's at seven but the sky has already turned cold and dark. When we breathe out you can see the little white clouds.

"Have you thought of names?" Madge asks gripping one of my hands to stop herself falling over loose cobbles.

"Nope," I say popping the 'p'.

"Me either."

"We need to do up a bedroom." I say.

"It should be the one next to ours." Madge says, her eyes glistening.

"Don't cry on me Madge!" I say quietly for fear of breaking into tears myself.

"Sorry." She sniffles.

"Don't be." I say kissing her temple.

"This is just perfect." She cries.

The One For Me - Gale and Madge FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora