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< Lana >

"Have you seen my keys?" I asked Bella while I looked around for them.

"Check on the bench, I think I saw them there." She said back and she was right. I took the keys and out then in my purse.

"Use protection Hun." Bella said while coming over to me.

"Dude, its first date I'm sure nothing—"

"Oh so you think it's a date, right." She said while smirking.

"Ugh, well what ever it is then I don't think nothing will happen. It will just y'know—be a casual dinner nothing else." I said, hoping I was right.

My phone buzzed and it was a message from Luke, saying he was here.

"Well he is here, don't do anything stupid Bella." I said while I rolled my eyes playfully.

I walked out of my apartment and went down the stairs carefully not to fall because that would be a big embarrassment.

I made my way to Lukes car, which I could see from the distance. I walked over and he pulled the window down.

"Jump in." Was all he said and I got in the car.

"Hi." I said while putting in my seatbelt.

"Hi." He said back, while he looked at me. He was still parked.

"You look good—i mean handsome." Why cant I act normal for once?

"You look beautiful." He said while smiling, maybe it was a smirk.

"Well let's get going." I said while grabbing my purse tighter, I hope this doesn't get awkward at all.

"Sure thing" he answered and reversed the car and so we went out for dinner.

"Where are we going?" I asked him impatiently.

"Uh I would say surprise but that's cheesy" he said while he chuckled and so I laughed.

"That's very true." I said while smiling.

"We are going to this called Nandos, not very fancy but I enjoy a lot the food from there." He said and I smiled.

"Thats one my favourite places to go and eat, the flavour of the food is amazing." I said, I sound like an idiot.

"Yeah." He said while he laughed.

We soon got there, we got out of the car and went in.

We made our way to a table for two people and we sat down.

"So what do you want?" He asked me while we both looked at the menu.

"Uh I'll have the classic wrap mild with crispy chicken." I answered and he stood up.

"I'll come with you." I said to him but he looked back.

"No no, it's okay. I'll buy the food tonight." He said and I smiled, gosh he deserves someone way better than me.


"Have you ever thought of what you wanna do later on in life?" Luke asked me while I took a bite of my wrap.

"Uh I don't really know, when I was little I've always wanted to be an actress—I guess I've changed through the years. Not really sure, what about you?" I asked him.

"Well I wanna go to a university which I've already applied to, hopefully I get in." He said and I smiled.

"That's good, I'm sure you'll get in. You seem like a very smart kid" I said while putting my hands on his on the table, I think I saw him blush.

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