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I'm sorry I didn't update before but I got sick, and I'm still sick which sucks.

But I'm updating so :)

This was on my drafts (I'm not sick anymore)

Oh I also changed my username - used to be calumstear now I'm 80slrh :-)

< Lana >

Luke and Calum were a team, Ashton and Michael were another.

"We are gonna beat youse!" Michael yelled childish.

"We'll see about that" Luke yelled back.

"On your marks.. Get set.. Go!" Bella started the game.

I was currently sitting on the stairs, looking at the dorks playing around.

Suddenly Michael grabbed Calum's shoulders and pushed them back roughly that he fell back, but without noticing he hit his head with the border of the pool.

"Shit!" He said while he saw his hands that was in blood.

"Ohmygod are you okay?" I asked, stupid of course he is not.

"uh I don't think so" was all he said before getting out of the pool.

"You hit your head pretty hard" I said while taking a look of it.

"Come inside, I'll help you out" I said and he followed me.

He grabbed us some towels, while I grabbed some things to help his little cut.

We sat down on one of the chairs that were near the pool.

"Alright this is gonna hurt so-" I pressed the cotton against his cut with this liquid (A/N idk any of the names of healing thingys so if you do then comment right here and I'll edit this)

"Did it hurt?" I asked him, I couldn't see his reaction because he was facing me with his back.

"Just a little" he said, while slowly turning around facing me.

"Thanks" he said softly.

"You are welcome" I said while taking the cotton away from his cut and tangled my fingers with his small cute curls.

We sat there in silence, but not an awkward one, it was a comfortable one.

"Um I'm gonna head with the others.." I said while slowly standing up.

"Uh yeah sure" he smiled and I made my way to the pool.

"Alright Lana, go on Luke's shoulder" what?

"Hey! I never said I was playing" I whined.

"Too bad princess" Luke smirked and I rolled my eyes.

He quickly picked me up and somehow My legs were around his shoulders.

"Michael, you are stronger then me, I'm gonna die here" I sarcastically said,

"Wait, Luke move to the right so Lana doesn't hit her head like Calum" Ashton said, and Luke followed his orders.

I swear Ashton is the daddy of these boys.

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