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< Lana >

"Fuck off Ashton" Luke said playfully while Ashton was bothering him.

"So..." Calum said awkwardly.

Bella and I have been sitting there awkwardly but I guess now it's time to show our confidence?

"You guys seem so shy" Michael said while laughing.

"We are not trust me" I said while I had an eye contact with of course fucking Calum.

"How about we play truth or dare?" Luke said while smirking.

Well this is going to be one hell of a night.

"I'll play" I said, soon everyone agreed.

"Truth or dare... Michael?" Luke started the game.

"I'm gonna go with truth for now" he said while smirking, what's up with guys smirking.

"If you were a girl which out of us the guys would you date?" Luke asked.

"Um-why the fuck would you ask that?" Michael said while laughing in between. (A/N I can just imagine him saying that)

"Just hurry up" Luke said.

"I'm gonna go with Calum"

Calum looked up and Michael started blushing?

"Alrighty truth or dare Bella?" Michael asked and Bella was not paying attention until she heard her name.

"Uh-I what sorry?" She asked completely unfocused.

"Truth or dare?" Michael asked while raising his right eyebrow.

"Um dare?" No Bella, you didn't.

"Take off your shirt" Michael said and Ashton high-five Michael while smirking.

"Well then" Bella said while giggling.

Bella simply stood up and took off her shirt seductively for the boys, I mean Ashton.

She sat down and rolled her eyes since she was on her bra.

"Truth or dare Lucas" Bella said.

"It's Luke but dare" he had an evil face on and truthfully it scared me.

"Mhmm" Bella sure would make a good dare.

"Kiss Lana until you get a boner" Bella smirked, well I thought wrong.

"What-I uh" Before I could finish what I was going to say, I felt some lips on my lips.

Luke of course, at first I didn't do anything but then I kissed him back. He liked my lips for entrance and I let him in, we had a full on make out session and it felt like it went for ages.

Luke moaned and I widened my eyes.

"Shit you guys should stop now, I'm sure Luke has a boner now" Ashton said while giggling, I looked up to see a blushing Luke and a furious Calum?

"Well I um I have to take care of things, be right back" Luke said and after he left we all laughed.

Kissing Luke was amazingly good, I've never actually make out with someone before which I probably sucked.

"Truth or dare... Ashton" I said and he looked up innocently.

"Um Dare" he said and I have the best one, well not the best one but s good one.

"I dare you to make out with Bella and give her hickeys" well today must be your lucky day Bella.

Ashton winked at Michael before taking her God knows where.

"Um Calum truth or dare" Michael said while laughing, since there was no point of keeping up with the game.

"Truth" he said and I looked up to meet his brown eyes.

"Tell us how good the sex was last night" Michael said while raising his eyebrows.

Sex?  I thought him and I had something, something that meant something to him.

I got completely jealous that I simply stood up and went down stairs to the kitchen to get 'water'.

"Why did you leave babe?" Someone said and I knew exactly who it was.

Calum Hood.

"Y'know I thought what he had was something meaningful to you, I mean the kiss that we had last night but of course after  dropping me off and giving me a kiss you go to your nightstand that gods knows how many guys she's been with last night. Not gonna lie but it did mean something to me and I thought we were going to be all good but man I thought wrong" I said and walked out trying to find Luke.

I have a plan, since Calum moved on then why can't I?

When I mean moved on, I mean the kiss.


I'm so sorry I didn't update before but here it is, and I'm sorry again but I won't be doing a double update! ❤️

It is currently 1:48am and I need to sleep

I'll update tomorrow and hopefully double update.

Keep voting, commenting and sharing!



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